Tuesday, December 30, 2014


a benediction of winter flakes
meanders slowly toward earth
and I think of Handel’s chorus

“for unto us”

and singing it with Tourins
and the sweet strings of the symphony
and the soprano melisma
moving in perfect and
gentle rhythm to the effortless
five note cadence
alighting on the e
like snow on a

and all is suspended
for an eternal moment
of divine incarnation

see a mother hold her child
in that wild first moment of recognition
of the ocean depth of love
that echoes to the farthest reaches

of the universe 

Friday, December 26, 2014

longest night

begins around 3:30 pm
this fading
that turns to dark
determined relentless

and on come the millions of little lights
to lighten the leaden dim

and we breathe through it again
this darkest of dark nights
dampened by the fog and mist
that stealthed in from west
like a cat’s paw alighting
tentative and timid

driving the highway home
to wait again for morning light

and promised longer days 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

a cat at Christmas

a cat at Christmas knows its place
first outside
then inside
then outside
then curled up by the tree
in the glow of candles and coloured lights
presents opened and unopened

he doesn’t need a gift
carols from the speaker don’t bother him
as he sleeps
his dreams not of sleighs or St. Nick
but when bells ring he wakes and stretches
and moves to his perch on the couch
observing the drama unravel
like yarn that gets caught in our hands and feet
winding around our hearts
in the annual pageant of love
green eyes closing for another

curled-up nap

Saturday, December 20, 2014

hoar frost

we drive
we drive highwayroadstreet

to work
to school
to meeting
to shop
to movie
to concert
to church

a means from    to

it is the drive though
that makes the trip
when the wonder of the ice crystal
sings a carol on every twig
on every branch
on every tree

new world
white winter miracle
and these bones crack a smile
and want to dance

driven to delight 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

begin advent

snow globe newness now
frosty car with windows scraped
slowly powders through

Saturday, November 29, 2014


how to write this
this all love
so full
so true
so every

with airplane across sky
with combine in a wheat field
with symphony orchestra
with a million messages in the sea

most difficult
with deed

passion red

Saturday, November 22, 2014


when I think of you
it is 1818 and you are ambling
Scottish lochs and crags with Brown
and marvelling at truth you see in
silver waterfalls and
green isles
shimmering in mist

stepping ancient paths
stick in hand
just twenty-two and yet so set
on this journey of yours
to write great verses
to create beauty rivalling
the cliffs of Helm Craig

did you know that this would be your
great adventure
two weeks of twenty miles a day
past the homes of Wordsworth and Burns
feet touching timeless
sure set earth
from lowlands to highlands

and your mind gleaning romantic
to set down
your young timeless stamp on the  

of the ages?

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I can see that
our cat
left his
in the shallow layer of
first snowfall on our deck


and it is poppy day
and I imagine this snow
whitening the trenches in Flanders
like icing sugar

covering the dark horror of the night

and we wonder
now that winter’s blessing
curses us
what further horror awaits us
in this weary world          heavy
with the millions of red and black
plastic poppies stuck into lapels of

even the snow remembers 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Psalm IX - "Jerusalem"

divine water bathes
small congregation leaning on
padded harmonies

eternal young voices
ecstatic                 glorious
rising and
arcing phrases bending branches
waving in autumn wind

this song a part of the divine soul

and now we come up for air
and lean forward
and wait for the next
divine revelation


Saturday, November 1, 2014


marble pillar standing immovable
supporting commons structure
center of our democracy

and in background
wooden archways and stairs
climbing to halls of power

Vickers strides this hallway
black suit jacket                open
identity tag around neck identifying

what does that mean     anyway
in this day and age of body guards
and security cameras

face set in duty mode
grey hair
tousled from deadly action          just seconds before
and in right hand
still         warm    gun
gripped tightly pointed
at marble floor

man of deep resolve
a well reaching down to
depths of decency and

now lives with
the constant sensation of that
warm gun

as he passes bullet-grazed pillar

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vaughan Williams

brown wool
three piece
walking through yard leaf-littered
orange and yellow deaths            rustling

I meet him in autumn air
weathered face of sea-worn crags

hand warm and tender in greeting
tells me of his drive along tree-lined roads
wind singing through half-bare branches
bringing to mind ancient songs of the earth
and the birds winging into a cloudy sky

we sit on porch looking out
at world wonder              and
wait       wish for


lovely and leaf-littered

Saturday, October 18, 2014

blood moon

awake at six
October morning of frost on shingles
grass blades

darkness teeters with dawn
donning leather jacket and slipping into shoes
unlock front door and brace the coolness
on the front driveway

look west just above
dark leaves holding on for another few days

orange disc hovers
dark patches
one edge already lightening
the dusk of a million sunsets glowing

blood moon

this eclipse week of mixed moods
and muddled thoughts
eclipsing sleep                   and peace           and life
until all is glowing
red with rage
above scratching branches

Saturday, October 11, 2014

family photo

foot lifted
perhaps to scratch at a bite
she illuminates with free-from-care
of the youngest
short blond hair result of
preschool friend haircut

mother’s finger extends
like a tether touching     her sleeve
making connection
arm draped over pigtailed shoulder

of five-year old                                 squinting into camera
uncertain smile body quarter turned
little shy               wanting to please

mother’s other hand
around boy’s shoulder
he in the middle
of saying something
mouth in half pucker
black cap pushed up on animated head
white hair peeking out

smile of mother
this is me
my life
my lot
and it’s ok

beside father in my
red shirt
bare feet firm on sidewalk
in front of house
windows              green shutters                  white and pink petunias
shouting the HA of here and now
and the face forward

smile of possibility

Saturday, October 4, 2014

moments (Chick Corea at the Burt)

strides out and
bows to our happy cheers
and takes an iPhone picture of us

jazz begins

it’s all about time
and these fleeting moments
of never-againness

solos on grand like
glinty sun in
prairie                   sky

tango for ana
dances the stage

after an hour he slips off
white linen jacket
getting down to business

“we love to play”
smiles and laughs

drum beats out
three     note      portal
and we join in    journey to

time tapped out by feet
under piano
playing cross duples and triples
like Winnipeg streets

wipes hands on white towel
before another
spontaneous                     concerto

moments remembered
in broad outlines by the feelings
that rise like butterflies
wings fluttering in warm breeze
colours blurring in the sun-shaped shadows
a flute floating above
chaotic chords and beats

he is here
in the music
and with the people
captured with a quick pic

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September summer

sun glances shoulder
see sea of leaf-littered grass
warm weekend reprieve

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Paul crawling

a backyard is an acreage
when you are only
and the big ball is kicked
to the far end
and you set out
on hands and knees
little legs pumping in opposing rhythm
to small hands
plowing through
prickly                   august                  grass
one goal in mind: GET THAT BALL!
brown eyes focused
oblivious to those
that can walk to the ball
at three times the speed

you just persevere
and finally grasp ball in both pudgy arms
and smoothly manoeuver to sitting position
ball         in            lap


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

summer (picking raspberries)

profuse red ripeness
hangs on every branch waiting
for careful fingers  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ubi Caritas - Wedding Poem VII - Gerald and Lisa

she sits
he kneels
basin between
white towel
these elements

he takes bare feet
clear water pouring
gentle caresses

and then the exchange
she kneels in wedding gown
beauty                  grace
takes off black shoes
abundant water

these acts of servanthood
new rings glistening with clear droplets

in the background
Thomas sings
Ubi Caritas
ritual repetition
and we listen
                broken bread on our tables

these first fruits form foundation

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

wild hope: Canadian Mennonite Assembly 2014

it’s been raining
a downpour       a deluge
we are powerless to stop it
and we are building boats
folding paper precisely
according to directions
Kirsten guides us
until they are complete and identical
hope on the hull
wild hope
a christening
champagne bottles swinging singing crashing into presence
spraying fragrant wine
all touched with unreasonable imaginings
drops of sweet beauty

there is a flood coming
tearing up the banks of a prairie river
and we must board our boats
and ride the wild waves in wild hope
of rediscovery of the truth of love
of finding the chaos and a new order

the storm is coming
wild winds of the hurricane
of the tornado uprooting trees
sending waves that will break the dikes
and we must wake the master
to still the sea and
our fears
holding our boats in cupped hands

and turn the world

Monday, June 9, 2014


we climb across
grassy steps leading to hilltop
hands stringwrapped with our yellow balloons
some too little to know
some old enough to know all
all tied to single string known as
now standing together
ready to release our stringbound
into the windy sky and
watch as if
it is
us rising
drifting on the breeze
until all we are
is a smudge of yellow in the hazy heaven
and we come back down
to world
of waiting for the


Saturday, May 31, 2014

and so it is

and so it is
on each twig a poem
masterpieces of spring
in glorious green

some are odes to beauty
some sonnets to time

some are verses symmetrical
some songs to summer

some are elegies to forgotten winter
some ballads singing tale of treedom

in glorious green
masterpieces of spring
on each twig a poem
and so it is 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

look at the moon

mundane becomes mythic
on drive home
as orange            almost round
moon lifts
over prairie horizon

a spring harvest moon

it appears gigantic
suspended through bare branches
this familiar friendly
body beautiful
slowly merging into dark sky
slowly shrinking and whitening
easing into regular almost full moon
in spring sky

but the size of the moon is an
optical                   illusion
our eyes and minds playing a trick on us
and there are mundane theories

but the mythic settles

Saturday, May 17, 2014

sunroom saturday

I think it’s a warbler
that small bird on our yard
google images reveal all

see through glass doors of
this morning sunroom but

it might be something else

pretty black and white                   yellow markings

click like on this real
sun-dappled morning

and me on the inside
looking out at fledgling green
and Coltrane warbles a ballad
and my heart lifts             singing sax spring stylings
and dipping beak into moist
newly-thawed earth for a seed of
something enduring in this

transient moment of marvel

Saturday, May 10, 2014

spring lesson

streamers flutter pink
from bright bike on wooded walk
big brother beside

Saturday, May 3, 2014

woman at Matisse exhibition

bright pink blouse
and long flowing skirt

standing out

among us blues and greys
in the four-walled gallery of miracles
by Matisse

women and flowers in
riotous colour
encased in

and I wanted to
take a picture of her
or paint her
or something

but instead I embraced the paintings of
orange and yellow stripes and
flower petals patterning
imperfect beauty of
arms languidly resting behind head and
yellow necklace suspended between breasts and

now she merges with the art
like rain on sidewalk on a

spring evening 

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I step out into
ruffling        cool sun-steeped
morning and
hear lark’s song he is
in the bare poplars hailing me
on this hallelujah day

I step onto
stage and begin the six-eight dance of
voices young and old hailing miracle
on this hallelujah day

I step into
tomb of terror with
Mary M and see with sun-slanted
eyes the glorious absence hailing world

on this hallelujah day 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Black Friday Transcendence

tiny plastic cups of juice
in silver trays

small squares of bread
in beige baskets

these are passed

words muttered
broken                                 shed
as muted hymn
softly sung

gaze locks on wooden cross
standing silent solid solitary
weathered beams
breaking inner barrier

till I see unused cross
and begin singing were
you there sometimes
it causes me and then

we eat
pasty white bread
sweet juice

plastic cups tap tapping into
little holder
holes in the pews

Saturday, April 19, 2014

engagement pic - Philip & Felicitas

I hear the
of champaign glasses kissing
it jumps out of the screen
joying ear
circling wide world with a smile
both faces alight with love
leaving behind the I
and becoming we
with yellow
roses tinting future in
soft brightness

and we all raise our glasses

Saturday, April 12, 2014

of totems and Lauren Harris

pointing sky
these carved callings from the past
art of being true and faithful
                    to trees and the raven
                    and the eyes that keep seeing

peeks so bare
elemental white against blue heaven
pull at soul with a vertical uplift
so we fly into sun with Icarus
our winter wax melting

walk outside
where sea meets sand
and sky meets mountain
and touch these weathered poles
now warming in evening sun
silent witness to what we create
and tear down
and build again in this
eternal shore

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rhododendron Way

what's the plural of rhododendron?
don't overthink         it's probably rhododendrons

raindrops magnify bell-like blossoms
a proliferation of spring on
this path of cloudy joy and
                    damp delight dazed colour
                                         red pink blushing white yellow blue
a symphony of abundant beauty

plurality of peace

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blake's guitar

and this is how he plays

string harmonics vibrate in
chordal                 structures
as fingers deliberate
over frets and sound hole

sweater striped and patterned
in warm rhythms
ripple through safe sanctuary

melody meditates and mind anticipates
next notes
exquisite timing all mastered by
young intent face topped with curls

a perfect poem for lent in this
snowy spring

and this is how he prays

Saturday, March 22, 2014

boyhood seasons

I recall boyhood winters
swerving corners on best skidoo
mouth vrooming engine
or skating iced streets
sparks flashing from blades
scraping embedded pebbles

I recall boyhood autumns
cool evening dew settling lawn
playing until darkness descends
or shuffling through
leaves like lazy water
on the shore

I recall boyhood summers
sun-freckled days
water-soaked with warmth
with long bike treks on
dust dirt roads
surrounding prairie town

but the spring moments
don’t leap into knowing
I imagine mud a constant
snow mounds shrinking
Easter a yearly yeasty presence
as if I was too busy inside springing brain
to notice the newness


Saturday, March 15, 2014

four degrees at 4 pm

I surf in deep slush
windshields spattered with dirty
drops of warmer days