Monday, November 30, 2020

Roger poses in the woods

stands so softly
in bed of branches and leaves 

tiny birch with gold leaves 
rises up front leg 

hands curled like autumn 
hang lightly at sides 

straw hair a jangle of curls 
blends into background blur 

oh he is a junior Puck ready to circle 
the globe to find the perfect plant of love 

this moment of stasis so rare for he will run 
and jump and test his body on the path 

yes this you can see in those 
tentative dark forest smiling eyes 

Friday, November 27, 2020

prairie eagle

across highway to field
grace glides with single wing wave
white head proud alert

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Lynda paints hymnal

voices sing bright colours into being 
together bring olive branch into swirling focus 
red purple yellow green and blue in centrifugal sky 
centered by inner cross 

all in starry harmony 
extended to infinite master of the universe 

worthy of praise 
    bearer of burdens 
        hearer of prayer 
            center of meditation 
                giver of love and law 

so let us sing beneath the eagle’s wing 
fishers we

Monday, November 16, 2020

Biden wins (for Lisa)

paint a little blue boy 
with golden hair on craggy cliff 
striped socks and gold trumpet 

standing in a sea of purple 

blasting bubbles into ether moon 
dripping honey above his head 

streaks of blue yellow pink and turquoise 
form crosses 

this boy with perfect posture pulling 
breath from somewhere deep within 
announcing hope and promise and possibility for 

a craggy world gone wrong 
in the penultimate moon 
of a year gone wrong

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


we distance we 
nod we wash 
we mask we 
isolate we quarantine 
we cancel we 
bubble we zoom 
we cohort we 
sanitize we test 
we wait we 
result we count 
we hospitalize we 
icu we stream
we lockdown we 
mourn we 
long for an end

Thursday, November 5, 2020

squirrel thoughts


leaps branch to branch 
short explosive jerks 
tail for perfect balance 

so many bare branches to explore 
swaying slightly after landing 
but never in danger of falling 

kinda like Dizzy or Oscar 
scaling the treetops of blues 

and here we are 
so careful and deliberate 
stepping in shit 
and time 
and time 
and time 