Friday, March 25, 2016

holy week

snow melts
sun sings
music mists
paska wafting
daffodils yellow
grass uncovers
shadows obscure
candles lit
bread rough
cup red
hearts waken

Saturday, March 19, 2016


hair falls in smiles framing faces
arms are tenderness
welcoming wonder

small baby
big love

head rests in crook
carefully cradling

oh the joy
of blanketed boy
held close

Saturday, March 12, 2016

lenten psalm

it’s a reflection
of frosted branches in
glass-topped coffee table

random pattern of branches leading
to little offshoots
each tender twig trembling with
temporary crystals
brief beauty

‘cause the wind
sometimes carries a tuft away

so I look down
that is up 
into winter hanging on

Saturday, March 5, 2016


always seems leaning                    forward

you walk the park path
daffodils blooming all around

those are my favourite he says
voice clean and clear
you ask why and he smiles
bending at the knee bending     over
to touch one
the yellow flower soft in his hand

I like the random order
the way they                     announce
the wonder of life the truth of spring
the delicate way that they look                                 ahead

he stands up black jacket
casual around his shoulders
and he looks at you
eyes holding  you
and you lean with him                   towards
the next turn in the path