Saturday, November 24, 2012

George and Esther - Wass kann es schoeneres geben

his arms stretch                towards               altos
fingers rubbing together
eyes totally engaged in
in creating

like it’s the first time   

her back straight
at piano
grey curls crowning
fingers finessing keys
even though she doesn’t see
entire hymnals lively in her memory 

they team this way
she the composer and player
he the shaper and teacher
until music
shining like a polished pearl
radiates our souls
for what can be better

Saturday, November 17, 2012


lone trumpet rings out
last post
competing with exhaust fan
in sombre gym
where poppies perch
on shirts
and scarves
and lapels  

bleachers filled with teens
wrestling war thoughts down
to the mat of their existence
to pin them to the aeropostale shirts they wear
to fade into general wash of 15 yearoldom  

and then the trumpet stops
and the fan is left to invade
the silence
of five hundred wandering minds  

trying to remember
the  unrememberable

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Del Barber

tufts of black hair at odd angles catch the eye
rearranged by sweaty hand
between songs that ask the questions
of existence
in jagged verse
and merry melody 

flaying fingers give guitar voice
as songs story our time with casual urgency
telling tales tall and small
of grin and grimace  

he likes to angle to the mic
with squinting eyes
and run long fingered phrases through our
tufted souls

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bethel at 75

shattered stained glass
rays sunny colours
in all directions
by cross in concrete wall 

side windows let in light
through geometric pastel shades
into building on stafford and carter
reaching a pyramid peak
another cross proclaims on top 

this edifice
this work in progress
containing the clay plates of the apostles
with lofty mission and petty needs
sings through time
back to dusty sandaled middle east
and secret meetings of manz and blaurock
and forward to unsteady seasons
gripping to hope of the
in all colours and directions