Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vaughan Williams

brown wool
three piece
walking through yard leaf-littered
orange and yellow deaths            rustling

I meet him in autumn air
weathered face of sea-worn crags

hand warm and tender in greeting
tells me of his drive along tree-lined roads
wind singing through half-bare branches
bringing to mind ancient songs of the earth
and the birds winging into a cloudy sky

we sit on porch looking out
at world wonder              and
wait       wish for


lovely and leaf-littered

Saturday, October 18, 2014

blood moon

awake at six
October morning of frost on shingles
grass blades

darkness teeters with dawn
donning leather jacket and slipping into shoes
unlock front door and brace the coolness
on the front driveway

look west just above
dark leaves holding on for another few days

orange disc hovers
dark patches
one edge already lightening
the dusk of a million sunsets glowing

blood moon

this eclipse week of mixed moods
and muddled thoughts
eclipsing sleep                   and peace           and life
until all is glowing
red with rage
above scratching branches

Saturday, October 11, 2014

family photo

foot lifted
perhaps to scratch at a bite
she illuminates with free-from-care
of the youngest
short blond hair result of
preschool friend haircut

mother’s finger extends
like a tether touching     her sleeve
making connection
arm draped over pigtailed shoulder

of five-year old                                 squinting into camera
uncertain smile body quarter turned
little shy               wanting to please

mother’s other hand
around boy’s shoulder
he in the middle
of saying something
mouth in half pucker
black cap pushed up on animated head
white hair peeking out

smile of mother
this is me
my life
my lot
and it’s ok

beside father in my
red shirt
bare feet firm on sidewalk
in front of house
windows              green shutters                  white and pink petunias
shouting the HA of here and now
and the face forward

smile of possibility

Saturday, October 4, 2014

moments (Chick Corea at the Burt)

strides out and
bows to our happy cheers
and takes an iPhone picture of us

jazz begins

it’s all about time
and these fleeting moments
of never-againness

solos on grand like
glinty sun in
prairie                   sky

tango for ana
dances the stage

after an hour he slips off
white linen jacket
getting down to business

“we love to play”
smiles and laughs

drum beats out
three     note      portal
and we join in    journey to

time tapped out by feet
under piano
playing cross duples and triples
like Winnipeg streets

wipes hands on white towel
before another
spontaneous                     concerto

moments remembered
in broad outlines by the feelings
that rise like butterflies
wings fluttering in warm breeze
colours blurring in the sun-shaped shadows
a flute floating above
chaotic chords and beats

he is here
in the music
and with the people
captured with a quick pic