Tuesday, December 26, 2023

light of hope

space carved out 
by the sea 
360 square kms of war zone
and rubble 

where Hamas 
hides with hostages 
and IDF kills indiscriminate 

and we wonder how peace can flutter down 
like Christmas on this place of the displaced 

can we shine our lights of hope 
on this brutal war 
on innocents 

or does our light only burn 
in our warm rooms so far away

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

winter 2023

it seems  like 
winter is catching on
snow piling up 

I don’t think this will melt now 
it’s here to stay 
through November and December 
right to March or April 

spring so far away 

but we can still sing solstice 
and Christmas 
and new year 
and heart day 
and the feast of St. Patrick 

voices tuned together 
for survival 
like kindling catching flame

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Norah at one

spoon in hand she drums the wooden floor 
adding to the music she hears 

she likes to say hi and smile 
and tells long stories only she can divine 

stands up on the furniture and 
walks along testing her little body 

creeps along quite quickly one foot and one knee 
not exactly a crawl 

ginger blonde hair rests on eyelashes 
and she cuddles with you turning the pages of a book 

sits and eats her square of bread and pb 
says yum yum 

and this is her world 
    so content 
        so lucky 
            so full of heart emojis

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Roger wall climbing

striped pants give him the flex 
he needs to climb this wall 
feet and hands gaining holds 
and legs pushing body up and up 

doesn’t stop until he’s 
touched the top 

yesterday he was Batman 
and tomorrow he will play 

but right now
he is boy climbing 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Norah's first folk festival (folk fest '23 #3)

this is how it goes 
bounce on mom’s hip 
in time with music 

in warm summer 
on soft grass 
wearing blue hat 
and sun dress 

in a sea of people 
singing along 
with nothing else to do 

and sometimes you wear headphones 
to save tiny eardrums 
with a yellow folk fest tee 

this is how it goes 
from one generation to the next

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Vance Joy life surfer (folk fest '23 #2)

you like this 
upbeat smile 
ukulele vibe 
surfboard freedom 

singing love and adventure
in this tough tough world 
making it better one wave after another 
this likes you 


Tuesday, September 19, 2023


yellowed maple leaves
sigh down onto lawn marking 
fall’s onset in late August 

tilt of the planet doing it again 
as it has through the ages 

but here it is again 
Autumn’s death giving way to 
sweaters and shoes of September 

we are all tilted this way 
tied torn tattered 
by life 
and drifting on the wind

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


like a cat 
I sit in the sunbeam through the window 
warming my cold shoulder 
until a dark cloud passes over 

and I wonder if more rain is coming 
cuz what I really need is the giving sun 
in a blue sky softening my hard heart 
until these chord clusters connect 
with the deep strings of 
longing within 

and purring begins

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Oma and Norah in flowerbed

grandmother amidst
flowers in the sun holding
child intent reaching

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Fleet Foxes (folkfest '23 poem #1)

abstract videos like hospital wall art
play behind you on 
that large stage 
after the storm and 

you fling your butterfly harmonies 
out into the tarpy crowd 

song after song of vocal variation 
that rests on bruised souls 
like a multi-coloured monarch 
that has winged one thousand miles 
to be here resting so lightly 

a certain healing can occur 
and we can leave the hospital bed 
in our teeming minds 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Roger and Bambi

dog and boy exist in syzygy 
aligned in spirits that gravity
like moon and earth 
in constant tug and push 
wax and wane 

tides of love come in go out 
so clasp your leash to this collar 
and go gadding through ditches of thin spring ice together 
undistracted by squirrels’ silly chirps tree to tree 
chilling rubber boots and stinking fur 
with brisk bracing water 

for this is no quiz or test 
no right or wrong 
no A or F 
just growing blonde boy and eager shepherd dog 
in the dark abyss 
if you close your eyes 
the phosphenes can set you on your way to see 

the promise that exudes 
from two lives leaning together 

Monday, July 31, 2023

life teaches life

blue eyes shining 
smile at cousin jumping blond curls bouncing 
and giggles escape seven month mouth 
with two sharp teeth growing 

she sucks on pickles or watermelon 
always holding with right hand 
left is used for balance while she bounces on lap 
and tests her voice for all the different noises it can make 

for life teaches life and we can only watch 
sometimes how the sparks behind those eyes
line up and map the future

Thursday, June 22, 2023


each leaf chlorophils this backyard 
with summer greenness 
and I sit happy to be here 
midst all the burgeoning life of 

robin beak digs into lawn searching 
plump worm and I get to watch this opera

this do I not take lightly 
when so easily it may be done
as simple as a song fading out 
or a worm plucked out 
of the ground and eaten 

I doze and wake to witness wind shaking leaves

Monday, June 19, 2023


what is this pensiveness 
low strings agitated almost dissonant 
almost unrhythmic 

a serious chanting of sorrow 
in this heated June filled with thunder 

what is this prevailing pall 
over all we do 
soft choral voices breaking through in 
broken harmonies 

so hard to cling 
to bright clean hope

Thursday, June 8, 2023


I marched in a Pride Parade 
on a hot day in June
avenue furrowed with cheering 

we walked one step at a time 
towards the meeting place at the Forks 

yes we take one step at a time 
towards acceptance and love 

there was thunder but the rain did not come 
on this humid afternoon 
as we sat on a blanket and played 
with a rainbow baby 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

long winter

late March shivers north wind 
and piles of snow linger
in this ungraceful  sun 
and ice shatters under foot 

we ask when will this novel end 
and let spring unlock the door 

yes we built a quincy in December 
and still it stands unblemished 
a rabbit hole to permanent winter 

yet we know summer will come 
with C02 warmed heat 
all a part of this new world order

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Norah's laugh

where does it start 
this bubbling up from the belly 
unrestrained joy of lilting laughter 
learned or innate

we must join in and 
let go of world 

hands open to catch 
happy catches in the voice 

to hold the ball lofted 
that says 
    pass me on 

hands cupped together 
to make a landing for 
the delicate bubble of the future

Thursday, March 16, 2023

what he showed us

blonde hair like pure energy
front teeth growing in 
he shows us the shells he brought 
from Cuba 

pink and white and tan 
had to choose which ones 
to take home 

so these were the treasures 
the jazz of the sea 
exoskeletons of mollusks 
washed up on the beach

keeps them in a special bag 
mementos of the warm holiday 
the shells of memory

Friday, March 10, 2023

Norah's questions

deep blues bore into heart 
almost sitting 
on the couch 

leggings tight around thighs 
foxes and bears on shirt 

eyes ask questions 
what are you to me 
will you read me a book 
what is this world we are in 

and answers don’t come easily 
so we just stare and 
marvel this life 
    this mystery 
        this burst in our being 
            this gift

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

we buy a llama

we walk in warmth down 
Mexican street uneven 
concrete and cobblestone 

southern February sun 
so unfamiliar 

dust from construction 
and we take it all in 
this sunny mix of tourism and work 

and this woman 
selling colourful stuffed llamas 
on the sidewalk 
little shy girl beside/behind

we stop to look 
a toy for grand daughter

pay pesos and 
wish her well 
in this sun warm street

Thursday, February 23, 2023

goodbye Henry

on the day 
we put him in the crate and 
drove to the pet vet meowing

in the room
three fake candles on the table
and a small blanket 

while we waited I scratched his neck 
hand lost in the soft fur 

on the blanket he went to sleep 
another needle made his heart stop
my hand still lost

I said goodbye 
and left the room 
sadness surrounding like 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Norah at a quarter of a year

there’s a cluster of ribbons 
and a stuffed turtle with two rings 
yellow and green 
hanging just above her 

she wants them 
but hands don’t cooperate 
and then she grabs the ribbons and won’t let go 

but the rings still hang 
left hand bats at them 
so hard to grasp 

fingers must unclench 
until finally two fingers wrap around the plastic 
goal achieved infant persistence
paying off 
boding well for ribbon-filled tomorrow 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

don't worry Norah

don’t worry 
baby you’ve got that creased little brow looking 
so unsure your 

momma has you enveloped in 
love your daddy has you arms 
of protection your family has you a circle 
of smiles 

life will 
happen and it might be rough but 
you will be 
    and sure 
        and wise 
            and good 
                and true 
so don’t worry baby we’ve got 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

new year's eve

look out 
at the silver white brush stroke 
around each branch 
and at the snow laden spruce boughs 
weighed down by winter 

listen to that recording of Bach 
and hear the hope
on this last day of the year 
brush stroked and laden with silver 
and the prayers of a 
world aching 
and hungry for peace