Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Loreena McKennit - 1992

strings vibrate colour
long locks flowing red shoulders
melody aloft

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sarah Harmer - 2010

sun glances left side
right side shadow
auburn hair glowing passion
red maple in autumn
you face us straight on with honest voice and
true song 

my daughter and I sit
and sing along 

we know you
we think
no pretence
no extra show 

just singer
in sun
and shadow

Saturday, October 19, 2013

David Amram - 1976

you adopted us
sisters and brothers  

french horn
penny whistle

long curly hair t-shirt adidas

vibrating energy exuding
all for the music
and the rightness of the moment  

adopting all folk
and all tradition  

synthing symphonic humanity

and we followed
seeing new possibilities
when we take down fences
and become family

Monday, October 14, 2013

Peter Paul Van Camp - 1983

Calvin bellows
standing in a sea of summer stanzas
waiting to be written
while everyone else screams for
and the slight
man on stage knows they want
“A Milkman at Heart”
round rims glinting below  slicked 19th C. hair 

Calvin knows it’s a losing battle
but this is part of our ritual here
in this field transformed into
small city and then poet begins his
milk masterpiece it’s
like Homer reciting the Iliad
but not much

Saturday, October 12, 2013

kd lang - 1985

I was 23
married less than a year
small apt. on Roslyn
about to start a career
teaching bandchoirenglish
treading lightly on the earth 

you were 23
strutting stage
voice blasting a hole in the universe

Saturday, October 5, 2013

behind the sound booth

usually we wait until it is darker
around 9:45
to weave our way around
tarps blankets feet
to open                space
behind sound booth
where crowds are walking back and forth
to get food
or find their spot  

and then we dance to the setting sun music
might be blues
or rock
or celtic
or bluegrass 

it doesn’t matter
we just dance by ourselves
or in a group and we
watch the parents
with children and remember when we danced here
with our one-year-old perched on my shoulders
giggling ringlets bouncing in the
last rays of the day