Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

there’s a storm coming
I tell the cat who lies un-
caring at my feet

Saturday, December 24, 2016

love songs for Mary (Renaissance Voices at Young United Dec. 2016)

dark hot mulled redness
in wave after wave washes
this holy space

like Hans Leo's cadences
voices intertwining in glassy outpouring

like Sue’s phrases
wonderment at mystery and mercy

like Arvo’s constant C magnifying
tremendous crescendo bells clanging

like Don’s languid lilt
blooming rose sounding and resounding

like Jesse’s total tonal landscape
of love and breath

like Mary’s starlit tears of yes
welling up again and again

this holy space
in wave after wave washes
dark hot mulled redness

Saturday, December 17, 2016

winter poem

and then winter comes

snow and wind strong and steady
and we stop and look out of windows
to see world changed
black and white

auburn autumn finished
tilt of earth finally taking over
el nino relenting

I reach out through window
catch falling flakes of memory
to hold and feel before they melt

stand with me on the top of this hill
formed of drifting snow
through wind tunnel around tall white house
in this little childhood town
where all is possible
and we are kings and queens high above our winter realm

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

advent dance

we anticipate
in three-four time
a dance by Bach or Handel

we prepare
dance lighting dim world
like strings of bulbs
outlining house on winter evening

we watch
a floating chorale
above the lilting windwork
such peace

we dare
for good is coming
we already see it in the miracle of birth
and wide-eyed we run
bathrobes tangling in our legs
the song of wings ringing our ears

we experience
enter floodlit stable
with care yes     yes

we recognize
this gentle love
glimpse of full-hearted 
waltz revealing

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lisa; pastor

a trip to the desert
heat reaching into
to live vertically
looking up in virtual vision
of the Other
ready to leave behind
aching trappings
of layered life

and then journey back
to begin again
new horizontal life
arms outstretched
to the world

this was pastoring not with words
or gestures
but with a very public human life
the way and the Way
for us

and always
with eyes that engage
smile that warms
and hands that bless with a touch