Saturday, January 26, 2013


my hands are chapped
from this crackling cold dry air
especially the knuckles
and finger tips  

need to use moisturizer ten times a day
to stop cracks from forming fissures
that reveal the pink flesh beneath  

outside the snow keeps piling
like a Bach kyrie
all wind and despair  

a white world of icy blasts
chapping the soul
until fissures form cracks
invaded  by your healing love  

a balm of kisses in this

Saturday, January 19, 2013

714 Ash

had brown awnings and a basketball hoop in the back yard
and there I am  

stretched            to the limit
off the ground
ball on its way to basket
brown shirt
brown pants
looking up with blonde locks
flying in spring breeze 

standing in front of pink blossomed tree
in the back yard
same brown shirt buttoned to neck
ten-year-old eyes looking
straight                 into        camera
slight smile dimpling cheeks 

throwing baseball
brown shirt untucked around shorts
biting bottom lip with the effort of the throw
blue sky criss-crossed with hydro wires 

on floor of bedroom
games and notebooks on the shelves behind me
that was where top forty radio
guided my ears
and hairbrush mics
let me perform 

holding some sort of trophy
and a paper in my baseball glove
picnic table and picture window
with awning behind me
tan jacket zipped up 

crazy boyhood year
with five pictures

Friday, January 11, 2013

Panama sunrise

sun peaks over the Pacific
in this sideways world
powerful heat arrows bore into me
sitting on balcony
of white high rise condo
on December 30th
wearing tan shorts and a brimmed hat 

ocean a band of shimmering grey in the distance
impossible to fathom
the endless horizon 

sun climbs steadily
light and heat to the world
and this body and soul on this balcony
soaking up this sideways peace
at year’s end

Saturday, January 5, 2013

seeing Panama

we ascend on serpentine road
into mountains
white rented Hyundai gleaming in hot sun
watching for people
at home here
on rickety bikes or walking
on edge of narrow road  

marvelling at giant blossoms on lush shrubs lining road
red pink yellow
noticing mountain peaks defining the space
and tumbling down into vast valleys of green tropical forest
some homes are estates with barbed wire fences
some are clapboard shacks defying gravity 

valley town bustles
brother and sister ride down the street on a bike
old wizened busker playing fiddle tunes for hours
at the market
where little boy lies in nest of blankets under a display table
waiting for journey back into mountain home

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

beneath the surface

vivid hues            jut
just below surface
coral and porous rocks

I lower face into water
taste salt
and spy through personal window
deliberate breathing through rubber snorkel  

stay close to island edge
where two dimensional fish swim
in            and        out
of rock cracks and holes
some striped
others so tiny
they can't possibly belong in this
of the Pacific
the endless enigma
unless you crack the surface
and look