Thursday, January 26, 2023

Norah at a quarter of a year

there’s a cluster of ribbons 
and a stuffed turtle with two rings 
yellow and green 
hanging just above her 

she wants them 
but hands don’t cooperate 
and then she grabs the ribbons and won’t let go 

but the rings still hang 
left hand bats at them 
so hard to grasp 

fingers must unclench 
until finally two fingers wrap around the plastic 
goal achieved infant persistence
paying off 
boding well for ribbon-filled tomorrow 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

don't worry Norah

don’t worry 
baby you’ve got that creased little brow looking 
so unsure your 

momma has you enveloped in 
love your daddy has you arms 
of protection your family has you a circle 
of smiles 

life will 
happen and it might be rough but 
you will be 
    and sure 
        and wise 
            and good 
                and true 
so don’t worry baby we’ve got 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

new year's eve

look out 
at the silver white brush stroke 
around each branch 
and at the snow laden spruce boughs 
weighed down by winter 

listen to that recording of Bach 
and hear the hope
on this last day of the year 
brush stroked and laden with silver 
and the prayers of a 
world aching 
and hungry for peace