Saturday, November 25, 2017

love signs (for Bob)

words of elegy tightly woven
into microphone
remembrance of life lived well

and she’s off to the side
hands and arms speaking
in graceful gesture
sculpting              the         air
to resemble a
man gone too soon
grief for
brief gift of kindness
until he stands revealed
eyes smiling through graying beard

and tears come  
blurring sight
seeing signer’s gentle eyes 
perform a benediction

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


November wind shivers snow along street
north to south
winter taking on shuttered senses

yet         there is that blue jay
regal crown bright robe
expertly balancing dancing branch

he’s got food stashed somewhere
and plans on staying through
no migrant he
royal beauty bossing
shivery coward wind

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Anne holds Elisha (pic on my iPhone)

gaze shoots straight at you
green arm elbowed up
hand curved tiny fingers furled
mouth learning to lift corners
and your hands hold smallness
firm tenderness
all are turned to admire this
noble newness
gracing our table with
free green-sleeved joy 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Te Deum (for Tim)

it’s sparse and bare like winter white
with washes of snow falling from spruce boughs
for we have had our MRIs and CTs
and scopes and scalpels and chemical baths
and know uncertainty and know fear
and know despair and let in care of others

so look up with single line of melody
lifting floating in vertical rise
flawed ragged fragmented pebbled with doubt
yet still rising unhindered free flowing still
in unhurried phrases toward ultimate
creative love simple prayer of praise 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trump haiku #9 (thanks to T.S.)

will this sorry state
change the world forever or
can we shake it off?