Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cleo Poem #7

curled up on rocker
a presence of soft
you stay there hours and hours
spending your day being cat getting older

you used to play with rubber mouse
or pen on the floor
now you pass them by
occasionally mustering energy for a leap or a scamper

but your Egyptian reality
focuses our souls

Friday, June 29, 2012

Monet at the MOMA - NYC poem #5

have to take the picture from an angle
to get it all in 

three panel profusion of muted colour 

at the end of the day
fatigue flattening spirit
and then I discover this room of calm serenity 

stand back and lose myself
in the massive upsweep of blue
fading into wisps of tan
a dark cloud of menace on the right 

as if nature’s eyelash left a mark on a cheek
after a kiss 

there is a bench and I sit
trying to inhale it all before my exit
but the feeling is fleeting
and I’m already thinking about dinner 

but for a brief moment I
swim in that eternal blue

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cowboy Junkies at West End

table with pink roses
hair falls across intense face
voice like rose’ wine

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Walle Larson plays Body and Soul

my berry patch green tea cools off as I hear the
first familiar phrase coming from the tiny stage
dominated by man in bright orange shirt
tenor tones softly elegiac of coleman but also
subtly new and fresh so I close my eyes and
the trendy tea and shrill shirt fade away and
this old melody that circles the seen and
unseen in a warm authentic hug is all there is

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Times Square - NYC poem #4

we walk  
in awe at the crass beauty
surrounded by a million lights and video screens
creating constant daylight
daze of
commercial noise 

we always come back to this
lovely nature of central park or
enduring art and architecture of museums or
powerful performance of theatre or music 

for this is the real cathedral of these
and we worship  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Philip Seymour Hoffman in Death of a Salesman - NYC poem #3

a hug that seemed to go on for decades
two actors as
a father and son

no more spite 

tableaux on storied stage
in heart of city
in heart of country
in heart of world 

silence crackling like thunder
except for the sobs 

a hug that transcends specific time and date
and travels miles and years to
heart of individual traveller 

to reconcile 

no spite

Sunday, June 24, 2012

New York drizzle - NYC poem #2

at the
foot of
the empire state
building and look
up to where the
spire swirls in the
foggy atmosphere
and imagine drifting
above manhattan
with the fog and falling
as raindrops on these
iconic streets 5th avenue
broadway 44th wall times
square and becoming part
of the dust on the pavement
like the millions of people
who walk these streets every
day as cogs in the giant machine
of civilization that starts with the
will to build this pointed tower to the heavens

Saturday, June 23, 2012

jazz at Dizzy's - NYC poem #1

rounded colours create            space
in this third floor fantasy of
perfect tables    chairs    stools    and stage
waiting for the buzz to begin 

space    for the rounded wandering lines
of notes that intertwine with thoughts and feelings
creating the perfect martini of
tastes and treasurable moments 

moments linked by the smiling eyes of
young woman in black at rounded grand piano
fingers transferring the creative energy of
mind to the rounded circle of human community

Friday, June 22, 2012

dead tree

there is a dead tree on our yard
spruce or pine – is there a difference?
right in the front north corner 

brown brittle needled branches
line the leaning trunk
the tree next to it seems to be dying too 

maybe it was too dry
or it got too wet
or maybe disease
or infestation 

we’ll have to cut it down
chain saw teeth angrily biting the trunk as we
bring it safely down into shallow ditch 

there are many trees on our yard 

we won’t miss it
as we cut it up and
burn it in the fire pit
and send it into the ether 

roasting wieners on a warm sun-drenched
summer afternoon

Thursday, June 21, 2012


they start around 4:30 am
             blue jay
chirping a symphony of
early morning nature
and I wake to it
heart beating in time to the random rhapsody
unable to re-enter weary world of dreams

eastern sky is pale already
and the long solstice-time day wants to begin

I lie and think about the poetry of birds
proclaiming June to the world
and wonder if I am
awake to it

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

bison stop

alaska highway
--------------a gray ribbon through majestic mountains
and we drive mile after mile
--------------- gazing the un prairie power

stop for a herd of bison
crossing                the             pavement

massive brown bodies on
thin nimble legs
horns curving
crowning neckless heads
dwarfed by huge shoulders

tan tawny young ones
trailing mothers
on uncertain hoofs

and we watch and take pictures
                     like the one on my lap now
until we can drive on

a brief buffalo pause
in the mountain journey
of life

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Spy

sunflecked maple leaf green
wavering in wind
of suncloudy day

mown grass green of lawn in light
and shadow
weeds pale in compare 

dark green of spruce bough
touching ground with weight
of needles

green pointed aloe shoots
in all directions
pregnant with healing 

bluegreen carpet adorns/adores
design different shades and shapes 

but eyes lift once again to spy
the windy leaves of great green