Tuesday, June 28, 2022


voice your dandelion
deep tap root brief yellow flower
spread white seeds in wind

Monday, June 13, 2022

this morning

placed here 
as we are 
in this blip of time 
waking to bird music 

singing along 
creating creating creating 
to what end 

if only because we must 
gathering twigs and grasses 
lint and thread 
and finding forks in branches 
and attaching our nests 

compelled to make our home 
and fly out from there 
singing our singular song 
for the world to hear and 
sing back in echo or answer 

for this moment 
will not recur in 
quite the same way again

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


a loud swing 
drop bat and 
pump legs to first base and 
then second

blond curls sticking out under blue cap 
bouncing in wind 
big smile 

one foot on base 
sizing up the game so far


this is serious stuff for a six year old 
on the verge of coming home on the next hit 
probably passing the base-runner ahead of him 

jump on home plate with both feet