Saturday, March 28, 2015

Beethoven's Ninth

unformed cloud
sparks gather
forces congregate into
nebulous             insistant
without answers
a grand waiting           wondering
what? why? how?
clouds drift catching breath of
creator shifting beauty in patchy sunlight

sparks light darkness
and a frantic pursuit
running after elusive joy
searching for tranquil pools of water
there is elation in this constant doing
this breathless expectancy
leading back to

a hand reaching out
fingers curved
palm up
for pizzicato peace
dropping from above
water running between fingers
into pools of presence
the fullness

thunder pounds truth
and earth responds with searching soul
not this
                it says
until from the depths it finds its voice
a lilting dance for the ages
feet nimbly stepping across floor
it kisses the heavens but holds hands with
all who join in
the bond between all peoples
and the smiling beautiful spark
of all creation

Saturday, March 21, 2015

nine today and twelve tomorrow

violin strings sing
bright familiar tune springing
Venice sun warming 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Psalm X - sun dogs

early March and winter
clings to year
like hoar frost on branches

ice crystals
like fog hang
in shivering air

sun in south-east
suffuses morning drive
with divine squinting brightness

and then we see
prism of colour
a halo of hues surrounding

a gift of three minutes
in this day to dayness waiting
for spirit spring

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wedding Poem IX: Allison and Landon

globes suspend
                    under vaulted ceiling
dark purple                 yellow               white

and we dance and chat
                    words filling
                                         this created space of celebration where

two have become
                    love becoming more
coming into the green screen picture
of this Big Bang creation
this fertile globe suspended
                    in the vast vaulting heavens
                    created by a word

where little girls
in little purple dresses
spin smiling to ode to joy

because it was proclaimed
and it was very good

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mars and Venus converge with crescent moon

magical moon
just a bright sliver
an arc like a hand
holding the darkened orb aloft
in black western sky

and vivid Venus
a seeming companion
yet so far away
a loving beacon in
bereft winter wanderings

and just above
the faint reddish glow
of fiery Mars
a tag-along in this
trio of love and elegance

and us glancing
from this snow-drifted
highway full of consciousness
aware of the science
but caught in the magic