Thursday, October 28, 2021

our new language

anti-maskers don’t social distance 
protest mandates 
unfollow public health orders 
filling ICUs 
use up ventilators 

and we zoom 
can’t understand  vaccine hesitancy 
watch live-stream 
create protocols 

some carriers are symptom-free 
booster shots for immune-compromised 
create antibodies in the double-vaxxed 
who carry a vaccine passport 
and work towards a new normal 
cuz aerosol droplets are  
despite PPE 

test positivity rides the waves 
and we get rapid tests 
is this an essential service 
what happened to flatten the curve 
hit by the first wave 
and the second wave 
and the third wave
look a fourth wave cuz variant of concern 
and the delta variant 

crazy contact tracing 
after community spread 
we tried remote learning 
more regressive learning 
it’s all a supply chain delay

Monday, October 25, 2021

garden journal #6

pull tomatoes wire-
wound fragrance wafts ‘round
roots firmly earthbound

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

j. s. fall

and then leaves start 
colours like dropped arpeggios after 
a spring and summer of green 

holding on through gales and rare rain 
and heat and then these trees 
go into winter mode and cut ties 

litter ground with 
yellow brown and red 
reasons to rake all my 
autumn questions into piles of brittle 

questions of age and want 
and fear and love 
and ok 

where did Bach’s music come from 
notes showered on our lives 
with overwhelming beauty 
like answers  from an inscrutable oracle

Monday, October 4, 2021

garden journal #5

purple red and white
blossoming in green pre-frost
sweet pea happiness