Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nathan sings from the book of Stan (Folk Fest 18 #1)

close your eyes
you can see him on the stage
bearded               bald
bellowing baritone
two verses and then the chorus
song/story so pure
it slices through to real you

and we in the summer sweat
in this sacred space where it all happened

but you know it is Nathan
and not Stan
who sings now
a son reciting from the
holy text with ir/reverence
free to laugh and cry
and we sing along
eyes closed

Friday, July 13, 2018

Psalm 14 (31 mm)


rain pounding like doubt

and then
sun revealed in blueness
sharp shadows on green ground

ditches full
puddles remain
drying in warming breeze

Thursday, July 12, 2018

a path

a path meanders
dewy leaves,  branches brush arms faces
droplets of memory but

the way lies clear

for feckless hearts
that began a bond in a frisson
all a-flutter blood-filled
lips tentative
in spring chill

forward feet together
oboe melody coifed trail
hands wrapped waists tight until
path became aisle
festooned ribboned witnessed
we to one

fortune followed footfalls
touch love the pith of all
our path the route of many
yet ours to let fust and rust
or keep climbing clinging

forbearing detours letting love lead
one to we again
little eager feet
run alongside letting
life transpire in fullest measure

fortold mysteries whispered in ears
like sweet nothings showering us in curtained tub
who are we to judge where it all leads 
hand in hand     wending
         towards what may come