a blue moon shone last night
wasn’t really blue
and it was cloudy
so we didn’t really see it
but they said it was there
a rare occurrence
two round full white moons in one month
white snow also fell in feathery flakes
tossed around by the winter wind
winding through streets and pathways
flakes which fell on car windshields
building up along the wiper blades
creating a frosting
blown away when the car drives
down road
leading to
the end of the month
and the end of the year
and the end of the decade
where the ocean splashes crashes rocks
and we can get on a ship
and begin a new journey
under a new moon
On Sept. 22 2009 - my birthday, I embarked on a project to write a poem a day for 100 days (until December 31) to mark the completion of the decade. Since then I have completed a number of similar projects. My next goal is to write one poem per week for 2025.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Gold Love
a circle of 14k
a shimmering golden band
wraps around fourth finger
left hand
narrow with
two rows of small indents on either side
I take it off sometimes
scratching knuckle and skin
it barely fits
but it is part of hand
like a vein that leads back
to heart where
I am bound
for life with
a shimmering golden band
wraps around fourth finger
left hand
narrow with
two rows of small indents on either side
I take it off sometimes
scratching knuckle and skin
it barely fits
but it is part of hand
like a vein that leads back
to heart where
I am bound
for life with
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Seven Deadly #2 - Pride
she’s hiding
on chair
------under table
we trimmed her fur
grey and white
so fine that tufts
-------static to your fingers
--------------and don’t let go
it takes two to hold her
while another hums
the dreaded clippers
she lies compliant
but trembling
what we cut off
half fills the kitchen garbage
she’s hiding
because she’s embarrassed
thinking we reduced her to an ordinary cat
but she looks
much better now
we all need
regular grooming
on chair
------under table
we trimmed her fur
grey and white
so fine that tufts
-------static to your fingers
--------------and don’t let go
it takes two to hold her
while another hums
the dreaded clippers
she lies compliant
but trembling
what we cut off
half fills the kitchen garbage
she’s hiding
because she’s embarrassed
thinking we reduced her to an ordinary cat
but she looks
much better now
we all need
regular grooming
Monday, December 28, 2009
Seven Deadly #1 - Gluttony
sweet intensity of sticky jujube invades taste buds setting
off a chain reaction of chemical effects in the body just
like a selfish lie ending in a signal to the hand to reach for
more even though all other practical and wise messages
tell it to leave the colourful confection alone fingers find
another soft surprise and pop it into waiting watering
off a chain reaction of chemical effects in the body just
like a selfish lie ending in a signal to the hand to reach for
more even though all other practical and wise messages
tell it to leave the colourful confection alone fingers find
another soft surprise and pop it into waiting watering
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Boxing Day
---of clear--------------------------crystal
-----quarter--------------------filled with
------.bright burgundy catching light
-----------and projecting shadows
--------------on table in center
--------------------of room
------------------..wide base
-------eyes and voices crowd elegance
------.as I sip and savour another year
---of clear--------------------------crystal
-----quarter--------------------filled with
------.bright burgundy catching light
-----------and projecting shadows
--------------on table in center
--------------------of room
------------------..wide base
-------eyes and voices crowd elegance
------.as I sip and savour another year
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Storm
spinning and sliding around snowy corner
drifts and ruts piled
slanted snow whipped by wind
covers roads in white wonder
carols jingle inside van
notes piling up in drifts of
melody and warm verses
thoughts covered in sweet harmonies
hugs and greetings on arrival
familiar family swirls around
words drifting through old defences
covering cold snowy lives in have-to love
drifts and ruts piled
slanted snow whipped by wind
covers roads in white wonder
carols jingle inside van
notes piling up in drifts of
melody and warm verses
thoughts covered in sweet harmonies
hugs and greetings on arrival
familiar family swirls around
words drifting through old defences
covering cold snowy lives in have-to love
Friday, December 25, 2009
There Shall a Star
sharded stained glass surrounding cross catches eye
chorale crescendos as my hands describe
the dance of the song
“radiance beaming”
I zoom to the place of knowing
-------where glassy colours bathe the drabness in ecstasy
on Christmas Eve
the infant heartbeat breaks in
like a drumbeat in a sermon
like a new dazzling star in the black night
illuminating and bringing
chorale crescendos as my hands describe
the dance of the song
“radiance beaming”
I zoom to the place of knowing
-------where glassy colours bathe the drabness in ecstasy
on Christmas Eve
the infant heartbeat breaks in
like a drumbeat in a sermon
like a new dazzling star in the black night
illuminating and bringing
Thursday, December 24, 2009
a thin layer of ice covers pavement
on highway as
I know that a sudden skid or turn
will send van hurtling in wild swerve
snowy ditch
remembering Portage and patch of black ice
feet away from signpost impact
so we travel on the knife edge
of potential
and disaster
cautious but not
SUVs and trucks with better traction
and more confident or reckless drivers
sometimes sending a spray of snow
blinding with white brilliance
as we plod/plow along
veering into left-hand lane
cutting through thicker snow and drifts
I pass slow ultra-cautious drivers
adrenaline coursing through tensed muscles
through darkness
finish final stretch
arrive at the driveway
and pull in safely
on highway as
I know that a sudden skid or turn
will send van hurtling in wild swerve
snowy ditch
remembering Portage and patch of black ice
feet away from signpost impact
so we travel on the knife edge
of potential
and disaster
cautious but not
SUVs and trucks with better traction
and more confident or reckless drivers
sometimes sending a spray of snow
blinding with white brilliance
as we plod/plow along
veering into left-hand lane
cutting through thicker snow and drifts
I pass slow ultra-cautious drivers
adrenaline coursing through tensed muscles
through darkness
finish final stretch
arrive at the driveway
and pull in safely
living room old house barn in Reinland
stand up to say “wunch”
hug Oma and Opa
Oma Niebuhr’s rickety old house on Notre Dame
wrestling with Bradley on floor
lovely burgundy china
church basement in Rosenort
playing knipsbrat with uncles
thirty kids get small gift
bungalow in North Kildonan
Brad and I each got a stuffed tiger
tail ripped off years later
senior’s center in Osler
Braeden and Jocelyn held hands running
twins got passed around
four generations paperchain the heart
stand up to say “wunch”
hug Oma and Opa
Oma Niebuhr’s rickety old house on Notre Dame
wrestling with Bradley on floor
lovely burgundy china
church basement in Rosenort
playing knipsbrat with uncles
thirty kids get small gift
bungalow in North Kildonan
Brad and I each got a stuffed tiger
tail ripped off years later
senior’s center in Osler
Braeden and Jocelyn held hands running
twins got passed around
four generations paperchain the heart
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter Solstice
I nibble at my fingernails one after the other
trying to shave them down to size they always
seem too long these days and jagged maybe it’s
the cold and the darkness that makes them grow
kind of the opposite of plants that need warmth
and light but plants are in hibernation mode
now bare branches and flowerbeds covered in white
white snow the sun barely makes an appearance and
the stars struggle to shine in the early evening
the moon a sliver but on the darkest day the
first day of real winter even though frost has
encased our corpuscles for a while already and
ice covers windshields there is hope that the
light will reappear and my fingernails will stop
growing so wildly or at least I’ll use a nail clipper
trying to shave them down to size they always
seem too long these days and jagged maybe it’s
the cold and the darkness that makes them grow
kind of the opposite of plants that need warmth
and light but plants are in hibernation mode
now bare branches and flowerbeds covered in white
white snow the sun barely makes an appearance and
the stars struggle to shine in the early evening
the moon a sliver but on the darkest day the
first day of real winter even though frost has
encased our corpuscles for a while already and
ice covers windshields there is hope that the
light will reappear and my fingernails will stop
growing so wildly or at least I’ll use a nail clipper
Monday, December 21, 2009
two matching pink striped sleepers
twin infant girls
small sighs escape
breathing shallow and quick
radiating heat
through clothing
------through skin
------------through years
------------------through masks
------------------------through fears
------------------------------through steel armour
-----------around heart
hold and marvel the miracle
twin infant girls
small sighs escape
breathing shallow and quick
radiating heat
through clothing
------through skin
------------through years
------------------through masks
------------------------through fears
------------------------------through steel armour
-----------around heart
hold and marvel the miracle
Travel Day
world of white stretches
frost-rimed trees don’t change the view
number one highway
this day is blank slate
self-contained world in green van
time to use sharpies
evening sky darkens
coming up to Saskatoon
white crescent glows through
frost-rimed trees don’t change the view
number one highway
this day is blank slate
self-contained world in green van
time to use sharpies
evening sky darkens
coming up to Saskatoon
white crescent glows through
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Break
every pencil is poised
positioned to shade in the bubbles of absence
which shape the page and trip up the feet in
the glass encased culture
gray graphite marks our days and years
every hour an arc of time
filled with squiggles or heavy thick lines
dominating the whiteness
until I see the sharpened orange dart
lying at an angle on the beige tile
under black chairs in an empty room
pointing towards the door
I pick it up
place it in the mug
and escape
positioned to shade in the bubbles of absence
which shape the page and trip up the feet in
the glass encased culture
gray graphite marks our days and years
every hour an arc of time
filled with squiggles or heavy thick lines
dominating the whiteness
until I see the sharpened orange dart
lying at an angle on the beige tile
under black chairs in an empty room
pointing towards the door
I pick it up
place it in the mug
and escape
Friday, December 18, 2009
I walk through wide empty hall at the top of grand
staircase limestone floors echo my footsteps elegant
string quartet playing a slow hymn at one end of the
large atrium at the bottom of the stairs and I look
down wondering where I am in my subconscious
everything so white and important so I keep walking
until I come to a panelled room door open and I look
inside the familiar furnishings recognizing that this is
my father’s empty office
staircase limestone floors echo my footsteps elegant
string quartet playing a slow hymn at one end of the
large atrium at the bottom of the stairs and I look
down wondering where I am in my subconscious
everything so white and important so I keep walking
until I come to a panelled room door open and I look
inside the familiar furnishings recognizing that this is
my father’s empty office
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
feet shuffle
occasional whisper
someone gets a text
----------unmistakable buzz of a cell on vibrate
the quiet a presence in the room
zipper binder gets opened
pens and pencils move
eyes follow the lines of letters
this room with no windows
a daily sanctuary of conformity
we all are here observing convention
biding time
but sometimes the magical intrudes
and a fairy waves a wand of creative colour
and out of the silence of rustles
comes a bouquet of laughter
occasional whisper
someone gets a text
----------unmistakable buzz of a cell on vibrate
the quiet a presence in the room
zipper binder gets opened
pens and pencils move
eyes follow the lines of letters
this room with no windows
a daily sanctuary of conformity
we all are here observing convention
biding time
but sometimes the magical intrudes
and a fairy waves a wand of creative colour
and out of the silence of rustles
comes a bouquet of laughter
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Zuzu's Petals
delicate yellow softness
-------the hidden reality
--------------of love
we poke fingers in our little pockets
to see if they are there
what kind of world do we live in?
sometimes it is the cold hard ice
of frozen fists fighting for
an inch of self in a loud brassy bar
sometimes it is the gentle snowfall
of open hands giving
a pound of self in a neighbourhood pub
the moon shines brightly in a synthetic backdrop
and his hands are empty
but in our hearts we see them
-------the hidden reality
--------------of love
we poke fingers in our little pockets
to see if they are there
what kind of world do we live in?
sometimes it is the cold hard ice
of frozen fists fighting for
an inch of self in a loud brassy bar
sometimes it is the gentle snowfall
of open hands giving
a pound of self in a neighbourhood pub
the moon shines brightly in a synthetic backdrop
and his hands are empty
but in our hearts we see them
Monday, December 14, 2009
stars poking through
on the coldest night
-30 and dropping
shockwaves through
hunched body gathered for the fight
protesters getting rowdy
streets filled
demanding action from
meek points of light in
a chilled black night
my car broke down again
today right on pembina
and I waited for the tow
the edge of my foot
is numb from the cold
on the coldest night
-30 and dropping
shockwaves through
hunched body gathered for the fight
protesters getting rowdy
streets filled
demanding action from
meek points of light in
a chilled black night
my car broke down again
today right on pembina
and I waited for the tow
the edge of my foot
is numb from the cold
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Love
--------reflecting shimmers
--------enveloping shivers
--------inviting caress
--------addressing me
--------reflecting shimmers
--------enveloping shivers
--------inviting caress
--------addressing me
red and white confetti
---------------into a glass jar
of possibilities
-----made of marble
----and polished oak
on the floor is a
Persian carpet--------which begins to float
----------------------------and elegantly glide
through the
---------arched doorway
into a whitewashed courtyard
filled with renaissance statues
rising higher and higher it becomes
part of the
---------------into a glass jar
of possibilities
-----made of marble
----and polished oak
on the floor is a
Persian carpet--------which begins to float
----------------------------and elegantly glide
through the
---------arched doorway
into a whitewashed courtyard
filled with renaissance statues
rising higher and higher it becomes
part of the
Saturday, December 12, 2009
a silence of soul
solitariness builds a cabin
in the brain placing a padlock
on the windowless door
no one is allowed into this space of
rich contemplation
the smell of mahogany overtaking all
in the middle of the floor is a round braided carpet
where I stand absorbing the energy
of the black thick night
a fire burns in the hearth
sometimes crackling and sending sparks
but usually glowing a dull orange
there is no furniture here
just walls and the carpet and so
I open the lock and step out
inverting the world for life
solitariness builds a cabin
in the brain placing a padlock
on the windowless door
no one is allowed into this space of
rich contemplation
the smell of mahogany overtaking all
in the middle of the floor is a round braided carpet
where I stand absorbing the energy
of the black thick night
a fire burns in the hearth
sometimes crackling and sending sparks
but usually glowing a dull orange
there is no furniture here
just walls and the carpet and so
I open the lock and step out
inverting the world for life
Friday, December 11, 2009
I dip my foot into
and then settle in-------warmth
voices create a music
preparing for the day
hair dryers whine
make-up on faces and eyes
beauty in care compassion
blonde hair bouncing on shoulders
strong and able
ready for the adventure
laugh and smile or
roll eyes and expel breath and
then hug anyway
wishing the best
expressing family
muscles relax in the lovely
and then settle in-------warmth
voices create a music
preparing for the day
hair dryers whine
make-up on faces and eyes
beauty in care compassion
blonde hair bouncing on shoulders
strong and able
ready for the adventure
laugh and smile or
roll eyes and expel breath and
then hug anyway
wishing the best
expressing family
muscles relax in the lovely
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ode On My iPod (apologies to jk)
Thou slender silver lady of eloquence
So simple and yet so subtly profound
Millions of stories are contained within
One simple button to hear them sound
soft pillows and
--------hard iron
red velvet and
--------sweet oranges
craggy cliffs and
--------blue blue skies
hard rain and
--------black hearts
uplifted hands and
--------bruised knees
crossed swords and
--------bloody bullets
frozen rivers and
--------dusty plains
rainy windows and
--------tears descending
bonded hands and
--------fractured lives
Can so much beauty and truth be so easy?
Should it?
So simple and yet so subtly profound
Millions of stories are contained within
One simple button to hear them sound
soft pillows and
--------hard iron
red velvet and
--------sweet oranges
craggy cliffs and
--------blue blue skies
hard rain and
--------black hearts
uplifted hands and
--------bruised knees
crossed swords and
--------bloody bullets
frozen rivers and
--------dusty plains
rainy windows and
--------tears descending
bonded hands and
--------fractured lives
Can so much beauty and truth be so easy?
Should it?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Winter Love
white snow crunches under black boots hunched
against harsh wind biting at face in the late
dawn of early winter everything zips up into
itself and closes up shop pulling down shutters
and drying up like a raisined grape in the
cruel dry air of December and our breath escapes
in bursts of white fog rising and dissipating
until it becomes a part of the frigidity hunkering
down replacing thin summer blankets with thick
quilts warm and cozy so when we finally shed our
sweatshirts and thick socks and find flannel we
can float in a cocoon of private summer
against harsh wind biting at face in the late
dawn of early winter everything zips up into
itself and closes up shop pulling down shutters
and drying up like a raisined grape in the
cruel dry air of December and our breath escapes
in bursts of white fog rising and dissipating
until it becomes a part of the frigidity hunkering
down replacing thin summer blankets with thick
quilts warm and cozy so when we finally shed our
sweatshirts and thick socks and find flannel we
can float in a cocoon of private summer
Monday, December 7, 2009
Peace Candle
it was the second Sunday of advent
he tried mightily
he held the flame to the wick
but it wouldn’t take
he tilted the candle
but no new fire emerged
he held the candle horizontally
but just wax melted
he melted more wax and it seemed to work
but then the small flame died
he tried again and everyone held their breath
but the light went out again
he gave up and lit a different candle
and then made a joke
nervous laughter
sometimes symbolism hurts
he tried mightily
he held the flame to the wick
but it wouldn’t take
he tilted the candle
but no new fire emerged
he held the candle horizontally
but just wax melted
he melted more wax and it seemed to work
but then the small flame died
he tried again and everyone held their breath
but the light went out again
he gave up and lit a different candle
and then made a joke
nervous laughter
sometimes symbolism hurts
Sunday, December 6, 2009
let there be light
and there was LIGHT
major chord ringing
singers creating Haydn creating God creating universe
induced labour
two girls being birthed
lighting Saskatoon hospital room
hearts beating with new blood new joy new life
fingertips depress keys
letters appear on blank screen
words lines take shape meaning
poem develops from black
let there be light
and there was LIGHT
major chord ringing
singers creating Haydn creating God creating universe
induced labour
two girls being birthed
lighting Saskatoon hospital room
hearts beating with new blood new joy new life
fingertips depress keys
letters appear on blank screen
words lines take shape meaning
poem develops from black
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday Nights
sometimes you come out of the hack leg pushing
slide through rings and let the rock glide upon
a thin layer of water
in a perfect curve to its resting place
where you wanted to end up
sometimes the push-off is unsteady
and you need to lean heavily
on the rock as you regain
losing valuable momentum and
messing with your aim
and the polished granite
misses its mark
sometimes it is time for a shake-up
and you swing stone back
and push with force
letting go early to create more momentum
the shot staying straight and true
until there is contact and a new outlook
sometimes the plan is wrong
and even though your aim is
the result is poor
sometimes the shot is so delicate
like an arctic flower
yellow and white
that one twitch will
cause wreckage
and sometimes the sliding stone
will pick up a hair or lint and
not even make it to the other
side twirling uncontrollably to
the side boards
but always there are the sentries who travel beside
ready to influence the speed and trajectory
with the hopeful sweep
slide through rings and let the rock glide upon
a thin layer of water
in a perfect curve to its resting place
where you wanted to end up
sometimes the push-off is unsteady
and you need to lean heavily
on the rock as you regain
losing valuable momentum and
messing with your aim
and the polished granite
misses its mark
sometimes it is time for a shake-up
and you swing stone back
and push with force
letting go early to create more momentum
the shot staying straight and true
until there is contact and a new outlook
sometimes the plan is wrong
and even though your aim is
the result is poor
sometimes the shot is so delicate
like an arctic flower
yellow and white
that one twitch will
cause wreckage
and sometimes the sliding stone
will pick up a hair or lint and
not even make it to the other
side twirling uncontrollably to
the side boards
but always there are the sentries who travel beside
ready to influence the speed and trajectory
with the hopeful sweep
Thursday, December 3, 2009
last taste of chocolate
-------------melts on our tongues
standing back
admire finished product
glittering glorious
------box is opened and we begin
------round morsels of caramel and
--------------dark heaven
------fill our mouths
------each bite savoured
------tree stands waiting
------lights’ random radiance
------each item has meaning
------glass angel from grandma
------wooden skier from Helen
------fish hook
------student gifts
------all find their place in the plastic branches
------the hazelnut in the center
------waits for the appreciative crunch
lights are low and the small white glowings
create space for our lives
our memories
-------------melts on our tongues
standing back
admire finished product
glittering glorious
------box is opened and we begin
------round morsels of caramel and
--------------dark heaven
------fill our mouths
------each bite savoured
------tree stands waiting
------lights’ random radiance
------each item has meaning
------glass angel from grandma
------wooden skier from Helen
------fish hook
------student gifts
------all find their place in the plastic branches
------the hazelnut in the center
------waits for the appreciative crunch
lights are low and the small white glowings
create space for our lives
our memories
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
…counting to one hundred two hundred
lying in a bed of thought hammering
hammering the brain lifting me out of
warmth into bare feet on carpet
stepping out of darkness into grey
light of night time life
thoughts do not follow
mind blank bursting with empty
balloons of fatigue sitting in front
of single solitary screen of virtual cards
carrying one pile to another chin in hand
eyes stinging with poisonous night air
until the descent into hammering thought and
lying in a bed of thought hammering
hammering the brain lifting me out of
warmth into bare feet on carpet
stepping out of darkness into grey
light of night time life
thoughts do not follow
mind blank bursting with empty
balloons of fatigue sitting in front
of single solitary screen of virtual cards
carrying one pile to another chin in hand
eyes stinging with poisonous night air
until the descent into hammering thought and
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Lunch With Stephen Harper
I dreamed I had lunch with Stephen Harper
He had a steak sandwich (well done) and a glass of red wine
I had a reuben and a beer (dark)
He smiled at me and asked if I had any questions.
I asked him to do something about greenhouse gas emissions
He said no
I asked him to do something about child poverty
He said no
I asked him to allocate more of the budget to foreign aid
He said no
I asked him to spend more on the CBC
He said no
I asked him to stop giving tax breaks to the rich
He said no
I asked him to stop using attack ads
He said no
I asked him to consult more widely about government policy
He said no
I asked him to rethink our policy in Afghanistan
He said no
I asked him to resign
He said OK
Too bad it was only a dream
He had a steak sandwich (well done) and a glass of red wine
I had a reuben and a beer (dark)
He smiled at me and asked if I had any questions.
I asked him to do something about greenhouse gas emissions
He said no
I asked him to do something about child poverty
He said no
I asked him to allocate more of the budget to foreign aid
He said no
I asked him to spend more on the CBC
He said no
I asked him to stop giving tax breaks to the rich
He said no
I asked him to stop using attack ads
He said no
I asked him to consult more widely about government policy
He said no
I asked him to rethink our policy in Afghanistan
He said no
I asked him to resign
He said OK
Too bad it was only a dream
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