a blue moon shone last night
wasn’t really blue
and it was cloudy
so we didn’t really see it
but they said it was there
a rare occurrence
two round full white moons in one month
white snow also fell in feathery flakes
tossed around by the winter wind
winding through streets and pathways
flakes which fell on car windshields
building up along the wiper blades
creating a frosting
blown away when the car drives
down road
leading to
the end of the month
and the end of the year
and the end of the decade
where the ocean splashes crashes rocks
and we can get on a ship
and begin a new journey
under a new moon
On Sept. 22 2009 - my birthday, I embarked on a project to write a poem a day for 100 days (until December 31) to mark the completion of the decade. Since then I have completed a number of similar projects. My next goal is to write one poem per week for 2025.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Gold Love
a circle of 14k
a shimmering golden band
wraps around fourth finger
left hand
narrow with
two rows of small indents on either side
I take it off sometimes
scratching knuckle and skin
it barely fits
but it is part of hand
like a vein that leads back
to heart where
I am bound
for life with
a shimmering golden band
wraps around fourth finger
left hand
narrow with
two rows of small indents on either side
I take it off sometimes
scratching knuckle and skin
it barely fits
but it is part of hand
like a vein that leads back
to heart where
I am bound
for life with
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Seven Deadly #2 - Pride
she’s hiding
on chair
------under table
we trimmed her fur
grey and white
so fine that tufts
-------static to your fingers
--------------and don’t let go
it takes two to hold her
while another hums
the dreaded clippers
she lies compliant
but trembling
what we cut off
half fills the kitchen garbage
she’s hiding
because she’s embarrassed
thinking we reduced her to an ordinary cat
but she looks
much better now
we all need
regular grooming
on chair
------under table
we trimmed her fur
grey and white
so fine that tufts
-------static to your fingers
--------------and don’t let go
it takes two to hold her
while another hums
the dreaded clippers
she lies compliant
but trembling
what we cut off
half fills the kitchen garbage
she’s hiding
because she’s embarrassed
thinking we reduced her to an ordinary cat
but she looks
much better now
we all need
regular grooming
Monday, December 28, 2009
Seven Deadly #1 - Gluttony
sweet intensity of sticky jujube invades taste buds setting
off a chain reaction of chemical effects in the body just
like a selfish lie ending in a signal to the hand to reach for
more even though all other practical and wise messages
tell it to leave the colourful confection alone fingers find
another soft surprise and pop it into waiting watering
off a chain reaction of chemical effects in the body just
like a selfish lie ending in a signal to the hand to reach for
more even though all other practical and wise messages
tell it to leave the colourful confection alone fingers find
another soft surprise and pop it into waiting watering
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Boxing Day
---of clear--------------------------crystal
-----quarter--------------------filled with
------.bright burgundy catching light
-----------and projecting shadows
--------------on table in center
--------------------of room
------------------..wide base
-------eyes and voices crowd elegance
------.as I sip and savour another year
---of clear--------------------------crystal
-----quarter--------------------filled with
------.bright burgundy catching light
-----------and projecting shadows
--------------on table in center
--------------------of room
------------------..wide base
-------eyes and voices crowd elegance
------.as I sip and savour another year
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Storm
spinning and sliding around snowy corner
drifts and ruts piled
slanted snow whipped by wind
covers roads in white wonder
carols jingle inside van
notes piling up in drifts of
melody and warm verses
thoughts covered in sweet harmonies
hugs and greetings on arrival
familiar family swirls around
words drifting through old defences
covering cold snowy lives in have-to love
drifts and ruts piled
slanted snow whipped by wind
covers roads in white wonder
carols jingle inside van
notes piling up in drifts of
melody and warm verses
thoughts covered in sweet harmonies
hugs and greetings on arrival
familiar family swirls around
words drifting through old defences
covering cold snowy lives in have-to love
Friday, December 25, 2009
There Shall a Star
sharded stained glass surrounding cross catches eye
chorale crescendos as my hands describe
the dance of the song
“radiance beaming”
I zoom to the place of knowing
-------where glassy colours bathe the drabness in ecstasy
on Christmas Eve
the infant heartbeat breaks in
like a drumbeat in a sermon
like a new dazzling star in the black night
illuminating and bringing
chorale crescendos as my hands describe
the dance of the song
“radiance beaming”
I zoom to the place of knowing
-------where glassy colours bathe the drabness in ecstasy
on Christmas Eve
the infant heartbeat breaks in
like a drumbeat in a sermon
like a new dazzling star in the black night
illuminating and bringing
Thursday, December 24, 2009
a thin layer of ice covers pavement
on highway as
I know that a sudden skid or turn
will send van hurtling in wild swerve
snowy ditch
remembering Portage and patch of black ice
feet away from signpost impact
so we travel on the knife edge
of potential
and disaster
cautious but not
SUVs and trucks with better traction
and more confident or reckless drivers
sometimes sending a spray of snow
blinding with white brilliance
as we plod/plow along
veering into left-hand lane
cutting through thicker snow and drifts
I pass slow ultra-cautious drivers
adrenaline coursing through tensed muscles
through darkness
finish final stretch
arrive at the driveway
and pull in safely
on highway as
I know that a sudden skid or turn
will send van hurtling in wild swerve
snowy ditch
remembering Portage and patch of black ice
feet away from signpost impact
so we travel on the knife edge
of potential
and disaster
cautious but not
SUVs and trucks with better traction
and more confident or reckless drivers
sometimes sending a spray of snow
blinding with white brilliance
as we plod/plow along
veering into left-hand lane
cutting through thicker snow and drifts
I pass slow ultra-cautious drivers
adrenaline coursing through tensed muscles
through darkness
finish final stretch
arrive at the driveway
and pull in safely
living room old house barn in Reinland
stand up to say “wunch”
hug Oma and Opa
Oma Niebuhr’s rickety old house on Notre Dame
wrestling with Bradley on floor
lovely burgundy china
church basement in Rosenort
playing knipsbrat with uncles
thirty kids get small gift
bungalow in North Kildonan
Brad and I each got a stuffed tiger
tail ripped off years later
senior’s center in Osler
Braeden and Jocelyn held hands running
twins got passed around
four generations paperchain the heart
stand up to say “wunch”
hug Oma and Opa
Oma Niebuhr’s rickety old house on Notre Dame
wrestling with Bradley on floor
lovely burgundy china
church basement in Rosenort
playing knipsbrat with uncles
thirty kids get small gift
bungalow in North Kildonan
Brad and I each got a stuffed tiger
tail ripped off years later
senior’s center in Osler
Braeden and Jocelyn held hands running
twins got passed around
four generations paperchain the heart
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter Solstice
I nibble at my fingernails one after the other
trying to shave them down to size they always
seem too long these days and jagged maybe it’s
the cold and the darkness that makes them grow
kind of the opposite of plants that need warmth
and light but plants are in hibernation mode
now bare branches and flowerbeds covered in white
white snow the sun barely makes an appearance and
the stars struggle to shine in the early evening
the moon a sliver but on the darkest day the
first day of real winter even though frost has
encased our corpuscles for a while already and
ice covers windshields there is hope that the
light will reappear and my fingernails will stop
growing so wildly or at least I’ll use a nail clipper
trying to shave them down to size they always
seem too long these days and jagged maybe it’s
the cold and the darkness that makes them grow
kind of the opposite of plants that need warmth
and light but plants are in hibernation mode
now bare branches and flowerbeds covered in white
white snow the sun barely makes an appearance and
the stars struggle to shine in the early evening
the moon a sliver but on the darkest day the
first day of real winter even though frost has
encased our corpuscles for a while already and
ice covers windshields there is hope that the
light will reappear and my fingernails will stop
growing so wildly or at least I’ll use a nail clipper
Monday, December 21, 2009
two matching pink striped sleepers
twin infant girls
small sighs escape
breathing shallow and quick
radiating heat
through clothing
------through skin
------------through years
------------------through masks
------------------------through fears
------------------------------through steel armour
-----------around heart
hold and marvel the miracle
twin infant girls
small sighs escape
breathing shallow and quick
radiating heat
through clothing
------through skin
------------through years
------------------through masks
------------------------through fears
------------------------------through steel armour
-----------around heart
hold and marvel the miracle
Travel Day
world of white stretches
frost-rimed trees don’t change the view
number one highway
this day is blank slate
self-contained world in green van
time to use sharpies
evening sky darkens
coming up to Saskatoon
white crescent glows through
frost-rimed trees don’t change the view
number one highway
this day is blank slate
self-contained world in green van
time to use sharpies
evening sky darkens
coming up to Saskatoon
white crescent glows through
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Break
every pencil is poised
positioned to shade in the bubbles of absence
which shape the page and trip up the feet in
the glass encased culture
gray graphite marks our days and years
every hour an arc of time
filled with squiggles or heavy thick lines
dominating the whiteness
until I see the sharpened orange dart
lying at an angle on the beige tile
under black chairs in an empty room
pointing towards the door
I pick it up
place it in the mug
and escape
positioned to shade in the bubbles of absence
which shape the page and trip up the feet in
the glass encased culture
gray graphite marks our days and years
every hour an arc of time
filled with squiggles or heavy thick lines
dominating the whiteness
until I see the sharpened orange dart
lying at an angle on the beige tile
under black chairs in an empty room
pointing towards the door
I pick it up
place it in the mug
and escape
Friday, December 18, 2009
I walk through wide empty hall at the top of grand
staircase limestone floors echo my footsteps elegant
string quartet playing a slow hymn at one end of the
large atrium at the bottom of the stairs and I look
down wondering where I am in my subconscious
everything so white and important so I keep walking
until I come to a panelled room door open and I look
inside the familiar furnishings recognizing that this is
my father’s empty office
staircase limestone floors echo my footsteps elegant
string quartet playing a slow hymn at one end of the
large atrium at the bottom of the stairs and I look
down wondering where I am in my subconscious
everything so white and important so I keep walking
until I come to a panelled room door open and I look
inside the familiar furnishings recognizing that this is
my father’s empty office
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
feet shuffle
occasional whisper
someone gets a text
----------unmistakable buzz of a cell on vibrate
the quiet a presence in the room
zipper binder gets opened
pens and pencils move
eyes follow the lines of letters
this room with no windows
a daily sanctuary of conformity
we all are here observing convention
biding time
but sometimes the magical intrudes
and a fairy waves a wand of creative colour
and out of the silence of rustles
comes a bouquet of laughter
occasional whisper
someone gets a text
----------unmistakable buzz of a cell on vibrate
the quiet a presence in the room
zipper binder gets opened
pens and pencils move
eyes follow the lines of letters
this room with no windows
a daily sanctuary of conformity
we all are here observing convention
biding time
but sometimes the magical intrudes
and a fairy waves a wand of creative colour
and out of the silence of rustles
comes a bouquet of laughter
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Zuzu's Petals
delicate yellow softness
-------the hidden reality
--------------of love
we poke fingers in our little pockets
to see if they are there
what kind of world do we live in?
sometimes it is the cold hard ice
of frozen fists fighting for
an inch of self in a loud brassy bar
sometimes it is the gentle snowfall
of open hands giving
a pound of self in a neighbourhood pub
the moon shines brightly in a synthetic backdrop
and his hands are empty
but in our hearts we see them
-------the hidden reality
--------------of love
we poke fingers in our little pockets
to see if they are there
what kind of world do we live in?
sometimes it is the cold hard ice
of frozen fists fighting for
an inch of self in a loud brassy bar
sometimes it is the gentle snowfall
of open hands giving
a pound of self in a neighbourhood pub
the moon shines brightly in a synthetic backdrop
and his hands are empty
but in our hearts we see them
Monday, December 14, 2009
stars poking through
on the coldest night
-30 and dropping
shockwaves through
hunched body gathered for the fight
protesters getting rowdy
streets filled
demanding action from
meek points of light in
a chilled black night
my car broke down again
today right on pembina
and I waited for the tow
the edge of my foot
is numb from the cold
on the coldest night
-30 and dropping
shockwaves through
hunched body gathered for the fight
protesters getting rowdy
streets filled
demanding action from
meek points of light in
a chilled black night
my car broke down again
today right on pembina
and I waited for the tow
the edge of my foot
is numb from the cold
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Love
--------reflecting shimmers
--------enveloping shivers
--------inviting caress
--------addressing me
--------reflecting shimmers
--------enveloping shivers
--------inviting caress
--------addressing me
red and white confetti
---------------into a glass jar
of possibilities
-----made of marble
----and polished oak
on the floor is a
Persian carpet--------which begins to float
----------------------------and elegantly glide
through the
---------arched doorway
into a whitewashed courtyard
filled with renaissance statues
rising higher and higher it becomes
part of the
---------------into a glass jar
of possibilities
-----made of marble
----and polished oak
on the floor is a
Persian carpet--------which begins to float
----------------------------and elegantly glide
through the
---------arched doorway
into a whitewashed courtyard
filled with renaissance statues
rising higher and higher it becomes
part of the
Saturday, December 12, 2009
a silence of soul
solitariness builds a cabin
in the brain placing a padlock
on the windowless door
no one is allowed into this space of
rich contemplation
the smell of mahogany overtaking all
in the middle of the floor is a round braided carpet
where I stand absorbing the energy
of the black thick night
a fire burns in the hearth
sometimes crackling and sending sparks
but usually glowing a dull orange
there is no furniture here
just walls and the carpet and so
I open the lock and step out
inverting the world for life
solitariness builds a cabin
in the brain placing a padlock
on the windowless door
no one is allowed into this space of
rich contemplation
the smell of mahogany overtaking all
in the middle of the floor is a round braided carpet
where I stand absorbing the energy
of the black thick night
a fire burns in the hearth
sometimes crackling and sending sparks
but usually glowing a dull orange
there is no furniture here
just walls and the carpet and so
I open the lock and step out
inverting the world for life
Friday, December 11, 2009
I dip my foot into
and then settle in-------warmth
voices create a music
preparing for the day
hair dryers whine
make-up on faces and eyes
beauty in care compassion
blonde hair bouncing on shoulders
strong and able
ready for the adventure
laugh and smile or
roll eyes and expel breath and
then hug anyway
wishing the best
expressing family
muscles relax in the lovely
and then settle in-------warmth
voices create a music
preparing for the day
hair dryers whine
make-up on faces and eyes
beauty in care compassion
blonde hair bouncing on shoulders
strong and able
ready for the adventure
laugh and smile or
roll eyes and expel breath and
then hug anyway
wishing the best
expressing family
muscles relax in the lovely
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ode On My iPod (apologies to jk)
Thou slender silver lady of eloquence
So simple and yet so subtly profound
Millions of stories are contained within
One simple button to hear them sound
soft pillows and
--------hard iron
red velvet and
--------sweet oranges
craggy cliffs and
--------blue blue skies
hard rain and
--------black hearts
uplifted hands and
--------bruised knees
crossed swords and
--------bloody bullets
frozen rivers and
--------dusty plains
rainy windows and
--------tears descending
bonded hands and
--------fractured lives
Can so much beauty and truth be so easy?
Should it?
So simple and yet so subtly profound
Millions of stories are contained within
One simple button to hear them sound
soft pillows and
--------hard iron
red velvet and
--------sweet oranges
craggy cliffs and
--------blue blue skies
hard rain and
--------black hearts
uplifted hands and
--------bruised knees
crossed swords and
--------bloody bullets
frozen rivers and
--------dusty plains
rainy windows and
--------tears descending
bonded hands and
--------fractured lives
Can so much beauty and truth be so easy?
Should it?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Winter Love
white snow crunches under black boots hunched
against harsh wind biting at face in the late
dawn of early winter everything zips up into
itself and closes up shop pulling down shutters
and drying up like a raisined grape in the
cruel dry air of December and our breath escapes
in bursts of white fog rising and dissipating
until it becomes a part of the frigidity hunkering
down replacing thin summer blankets with thick
quilts warm and cozy so when we finally shed our
sweatshirts and thick socks and find flannel we
can float in a cocoon of private summer
against harsh wind biting at face in the late
dawn of early winter everything zips up into
itself and closes up shop pulling down shutters
and drying up like a raisined grape in the
cruel dry air of December and our breath escapes
in bursts of white fog rising and dissipating
until it becomes a part of the frigidity hunkering
down replacing thin summer blankets with thick
quilts warm and cozy so when we finally shed our
sweatshirts and thick socks and find flannel we
can float in a cocoon of private summer
Monday, December 7, 2009
Peace Candle
it was the second Sunday of advent
he tried mightily
he held the flame to the wick
but it wouldn’t take
he tilted the candle
but no new fire emerged
he held the candle horizontally
but just wax melted
he melted more wax and it seemed to work
but then the small flame died
he tried again and everyone held their breath
but the light went out again
he gave up and lit a different candle
and then made a joke
nervous laughter
sometimes symbolism hurts
he tried mightily
he held the flame to the wick
but it wouldn’t take
he tilted the candle
but no new fire emerged
he held the candle horizontally
but just wax melted
he melted more wax and it seemed to work
but then the small flame died
he tried again and everyone held their breath
but the light went out again
he gave up and lit a different candle
and then made a joke
nervous laughter
sometimes symbolism hurts
Sunday, December 6, 2009
let there be light
and there was LIGHT
major chord ringing
singers creating Haydn creating God creating universe
induced labour
two girls being birthed
lighting Saskatoon hospital room
hearts beating with new blood new joy new life
fingertips depress keys
letters appear on blank screen
words lines take shape meaning
poem develops from black
let there be light
and there was LIGHT
major chord ringing
singers creating Haydn creating God creating universe
induced labour
two girls being birthed
lighting Saskatoon hospital room
hearts beating with new blood new joy new life
fingertips depress keys
letters appear on blank screen
words lines take shape meaning
poem develops from black
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday Nights
sometimes you come out of the hack leg pushing
slide through rings and let the rock glide upon
a thin layer of water
in a perfect curve to its resting place
where you wanted to end up
sometimes the push-off is unsteady
and you need to lean heavily
on the rock as you regain
losing valuable momentum and
messing with your aim
and the polished granite
misses its mark
sometimes it is time for a shake-up
and you swing stone back
and push with force
letting go early to create more momentum
the shot staying straight and true
until there is contact and a new outlook
sometimes the plan is wrong
and even though your aim is
the result is poor
sometimes the shot is so delicate
like an arctic flower
yellow and white
that one twitch will
cause wreckage
and sometimes the sliding stone
will pick up a hair or lint and
not even make it to the other
side twirling uncontrollably to
the side boards
but always there are the sentries who travel beside
ready to influence the speed and trajectory
with the hopeful sweep
slide through rings and let the rock glide upon
a thin layer of water
in a perfect curve to its resting place
where you wanted to end up
sometimes the push-off is unsteady
and you need to lean heavily
on the rock as you regain
losing valuable momentum and
messing with your aim
and the polished granite
misses its mark
sometimes it is time for a shake-up
and you swing stone back
and push with force
letting go early to create more momentum
the shot staying straight and true
until there is contact and a new outlook
sometimes the plan is wrong
and even though your aim is
the result is poor
sometimes the shot is so delicate
like an arctic flower
yellow and white
that one twitch will
cause wreckage
and sometimes the sliding stone
will pick up a hair or lint and
not even make it to the other
side twirling uncontrollably to
the side boards
but always there are the sentries who travel beside
ready to influence the speed and trajectory
with the hopeful sweep
Thursday, December 3, 2009
last taste of chocolate
-------------melts on our tongues
standing back
admire finished product
glittering glorious
------box is opened and we begin
------round morsels of caramel and
--------------dark heaven
------fill our mouths
------each bite savoured
------tree stands waiting
------lights’ random radiance
------each item has meaning
------glass angel from grandma
------wooden skier from Helen
------fish hook
------student gifts
------all find their place in the plastic branches
------the hazelnut in the center
------waits for the appreciative crunch
lights are low and the small white glowings
create space for our lives
our memories
-------------melts on our tongues
standing back
admire finished product
glittering glorious
------box is opened and we begin
------round morsels of caramel and
--------------dark heaven
------fill our mouths
------each bite savoured
------tree stands waiting
------lights’ random radiance
------each item has meaning
------glass angel from grandma
------wooden skier from Helen
------fish hook
------student gifts
------all find their place in the plastic branches
------the hazelnut in the center
------waits for the appreciative crunch
lights are low and the small white glowings
create space for our lives
our memories
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
…counting to one hundred two hundred
lying in a bed of thought hammering
hammering the brain lifting me out of
warmth into bare feet on carpet
stepping out of darkness into grey
light of night time life
thoughts do not follow
mind blank bursting with empty
balloons of fatigue sitting in front
of single solitary screen of virtual cards
carrying one pile to another chin in hand
eyes stinging with poisonous night air
until the descent into hammering thought and
lying in a bed of thought hammering
hammering the brain lifting me out of
warmth into bare feet on carpet
stepping out of darkness into grey
light of night time life
thoughts do not follow
mind blank bursting with empty
balloons of fatigue sitting in front
of single solitary screen of virtual cards
carrying one pile to another chin in hand
eyes stinging with poisonous night air
until the descent into hammering thought and
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Lunch With Stephen Harper
I dreamed I had lunch with Stephen Harper
He had a steak sandwich (well done) and a glass of red wine
I had a reuben and a beer (dark)
He smiled at me and asked if I had any questions.
I asked him to do something about greenhouse gas emissions
He said no
I asked him to do something about child poverty
He said no
I asked him to allocate more of the budget to foreign aid
He said no
I asked him to spend more on the CBC
He said no
I asked him to stop giving tax breaks to the rich
He said no
I asked him to stop using attack ads
He said no
I asked him to consult more widely about government policy
He said no
I asked him to rethink our policy in Afghanistan
He said no
I asked him to resign
He said OK
Too bad it was only a dream
He had a steak sandwich (well done) and a glass of red wine
I had a reuben and a beer (dark)
He smiled at me and asked if I had any questions.
I asked him to do something about greenhouse gas emissions
He said no
I asked him to do something about child poverty
He said no
I asked him to allocate more of the budget to foreign aid
He said no
I asked him to spend more on the CBC
He said no
I asked him to stop giving tax breaks to the rich
He said no
I asked him to stop using attack ads
He said no
I asked him to consult more widely about government policy
He said no
I asked him to rethink our policy in Afghanistan
He said no
I asked him to resign
He said OK
Too bad it was only a dream
Monday, November 30, 2009
Spanish Passion
her name warbles from the speakers
she glides out empty rink
red dress ruffling
shouts and applause
spanish guitar emerges and she must begin
all alone she must fill the ice with
red passion
truly center of
flexible agile strong
jumping spinning stroking smiling
until a crazy edge and
a fall
music does not stop
can’t start over
she finds her feet and
still smiling
but the fall has rattled memory
and the moves are forgotten
picking up the pieces of thought
she does her finale and smiles again
clapping follows her off the ice
as she grows up a little more
she glides out empty rink
red dress ruffling
shouts and applause
spanish guitar emerges and she must begin
all alone she must fill the ice with
red passion
truly center of
flexible agile strong
jumping spinning stroking smiling
until a crazy edge and
a fall
music does not stop
can’t start over
she finds her feet and
still smiling
but the fall has rattled memory
and the moves are forgotten
picking up the pieces of thought
she does her finale and smiles again
clapping follows her off the ice
as she grows up a little more
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Soprano Sax
whenever I hear a soprano sax I think of
Warren Beatty and Julie Christie and happy
endings but I don’t hear a soprano saxophone
very often there is this lovely cd by the
Hilliard Quartet where they sing along with
someone named Jan playing jazzy riffs on a
soprano sax but somehow that’s different
because that music takes me to a different
place with soft clouds and bright lights (hey
I’m back to Warren Beatty in line for heaven)
and you lose yourself in the warmth and clean
and thoughts of thankfulness
Warren Beatty and Julie Christie and happy
endings but I don’t hear a soprano saxophone
very often there is this lovely cd by the
Hilliard Quartet where they sing along with
someone named Jan playing jazzy riffs on a
soprano sax but somehow that’s different
because that music takes me to a different
place with soft clouds and bright lights (hey
I’m back to Warren Beatty in line for heaven)
and you lose yourself in the warmth and clean
and thoughts of thankfulness
sun glances in
---------through windows
--------in hallway
dusty-----shuttered blindness----as I walk and think about
sitting on a
to tear stained words
which envelop
room in a---------bright glow
how illuminated
dust cracks
the voice and sends signals out
terrorizing the body
an ambush of sunlight
in the hallway
---------through windows
--------in hallway
dusty-----shuttered blindness----as I walk and think about
sitting on a
to tear stained words
which envelop
room in a---------bright glow
how illuminated
dust cracks
the voice and sends signals out
terrorizing the body
an ambush of sunlight
in the hallway
Friday, November 27, 2009
Athens Subway
down the escalator
----------down into depths
--------------------down into past
monitor shows 38 degrees at 11 pm
heat escapes through white cotton shirt
two minutes until next train
through window---------unearthed ancient walls
rush of sound precedes steel and glass monster
rush of people to the door crowding in
two feet of space
we ride through bones of city
cell phones attached to women’s ears
a jumble of incomprehension
from columns to arches
heat begins to build
avoid contact until next lurching stop
stumble off and up to surface
-----------------up into darkness
---------up into the heat
up to the present
----------down into depths
--------------------down into past
monitor shows 38 degrees at 11 pm
heat escapes through white cotton shirt
two minutes until next train
through window---------unearthed ancient walls
rush of sound precedes steel and glass monster
rush of people to the door crowding in
two feet of space
we ride through bones of city
cell phones attached to women’s ears
a jumble of incomprehension
from columns to arches
heat begins to build
avoid contact until next lurching stop
stumble off and up to surface
-----------------up into darkness
---------up into the heat
up to the present
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Oil Leak
------van leaks oil
-----round dark spots
-----on the driveway
--------in the gar
I bend down to touch a spot
slippery on my fingers as I rub them together
and then try to wipe them on a work glove
that’s sitting on the shelf in the cluttered garage
which needs to be cleaned out and organized but
it’s almost too cold now so it will probably wait
through the white wafts of winter while we take
care of work and appointments and activities and
plays and performances and family and church and
holidays and applications and homework and
meetings and whatever else we can squeeze into the
bag of existence and carry around without anything
falling out
or at least not everything
------van leaks oil
-----round dark spots
-----on the driveway
--------in the gar
I bend down to touch a spot
slippery on my fingers as I rub them together
and then try to wipe them on a work glove
that’s sitting on the shelf in the cluttered garage
which needs to be cleaned out and organized but
it’s almost too cold now so it will probably wait
through the white wafts of winter while we take
care of work and appointments and activities and
plays and performances and family and church and
holidays and applications and homework and
meetings and whatever else we can squeeze into the
bag of existence and carry around without anything
falling out
or at least not everything
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
she shows up every day
dress and high heels
walk down the hall
unsteady wavering
balance off
hips knees back sore
even though he only smiles
sometimes when she enters the room
she reads to him
her voice tired
english imperfect
hours fill up
even though he sleeps or
doesn’t seem to hear
she tells him the latest
about sons daughters
even though he doesn’t
remember from the
morning to the afternoon
she feeds him
mashed potatoes
ground mystery meat
pale green broccoli
one slow spoonful at a time
even though he makes faces
for each bite
she kisses him goodbye
saying she has to go
home for night now
even though…
dress and high heels
walk down the hall
unsteady wavering
balance off
hips knees back sore
even though he only smiles
sometimes when she enters the room
she reads to him
her voice tired
english imperfect
hours fill up
even though he sleeps or
doesn’t seem to hear
she tells him the latest
about sons daughters
even though he doesn’t
remember from the
morning to the afternoon
she feeds him
mashed potatoes
ground mystery meat
pale green broccoli
one slow spoonful at a time
even though he makes faces
for each bite
she kisses him goodbye
saying she has to go
home for night now
even though…
Monday, November 23, 2009
Global Warming
they form a kind of
-------flecked blackness
---------------in the distant
-----------------------sunday morning
---------------------------------there must
-------------------------------be a thousand
----------------------------------or more
-----------------------flying in curvy
------------------check marks
like the clouds
keep moving and changing
and we watch through car windows
and think about
how late in the year
it is for geese to be taking
and heading south it must be
the melting ice bergs
and poison gases bringing
disaster and doom
to our comfy lives
and clockwork seasons
every unusual season and natural disaster
is a black smudge
in the distant sky
meanwhile-------I turn the car off at the drive thru
-------flecked blackness
---------------in the distant
-----------------------sunday morning
---------------------------------there must
-------------------------------be a thousand
----------------------------------or more
-----------------------flying in curvy
------------------check marks
like the clouds
keep moving and changing
and we watch through car windows
and think about
how late in the year
it is for geese to be taking
and heading south it must be
the melting ice bergs
and poison gases bringing
disaster and doom
to our comfy lives
and clockwork seasons
every unusual season and natural disaster
is a black smudge
in the distant sky
meanwhile-------I turn the car off at the drive thru
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Study Calender
white wool
curled horns
black nose
eyes gazing out
right into the room where
I sit and look at your
silk skin and raindrop eyes and pillow lips
as we graze on the hill of
a quarter century
sometimes crashing heads and horns
but always right at home
in the assurance of
our belonging
I wonder what he’s thinking
curled horns
black nose
eyes gazing out
right into the room where
I sit and look at your
silk skin and raindrop eyes and pillow lips
as we graze on the hill of
a quarter century
sometimes crashing heads and horns
but always right at home
in the assurance of
our belonging
I wonder what he’s thinking
There Should be Snow
there should be snow on the horizon
a white line across the distant world
but instead it looks like summer with
the sun streaking orange red and gold
across the western sky as I traverse
the prairie highway and begin to
drift into another lane of thought
covering the highway with crayons
and hurrying across fields of stubble
to find the sun and tell it to stay a
little longer (even though it’s november
and life should be bleak and white and
leeching warmth from every pore) and
pick up the crayons
here -----I’ve got a piece of paper
a white line across the distant world
but instead it looks like summer with
the sun streaking orange red and gold
across the western sky as I traverse
the prairie highway and begin to
drift into another lane of thought
covering the highway with crayons
and hurrying across fields of stubble
to find the sun and tell it to stay a
little longer (even though it’s november
and life should be bleak and white and
leeching warmth from every pore) and
pick up the crayons
here -----I’ve got a piece of paper
Friday, November 20, 2009
Brotherly Love
did it really happen?
hanging upside down over railing
screams blackening the air
held by the ankles he shouts
threats silencing me
it’s all I remember
then the hours of football on green lawn
running catching throwing
special plays
ball landing in my outstretched arms
inhabiting the world of childhood
intimidation and instruction
fear and friendship
words of lightning and sunshine
are we still the same?
is memory truth?
what are the facts of love?
hanging upside down over railing
screams blackening the air
held by the ankles he shouts
threats silencing me
it’s all I remember
then the hours of football on green lawn
running catching throwing
special plays
ball landing in my outstretched arms
inhabiting the world of childhood
intimidation and instruction
fear and friendship
words of lightning and sunshine
are we still the same?
is memory truth?
what are the facts of love?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cleo Poem #4
I looked at your face today
they say that with your whiskers
you can tell if an opening is big
enough for your body
your small, exquisite mouth
opens in a cry
you want out----or in-----or just usnearby
you see in the darkness with
those liquid eyes glowing in
ever-changing patterns of watchfulness
with a tiny wet nose you
smell everything in the house
but only go close enough to understand it
you never eat anything outside
dish with those needle teeth that
never penetrate skin
your countenance shines
in our egypt with
quiet purring love
they say that with your whiskers
you can tell if an opening is big
enough for your body
your small, exquisite mouth
opens in a cry
you want out----or in-----or just usnearby
you see in the darkness with
those liquid eyes glowing in
ever-changing patterns of watchfulness
with a tiny wet nose you
smell everything in the house
but only go close enough to understand it
you never eat anything outside
dish with those needle teeth that
never penetrate skin
your countenance shines
in our egypt with
quiet purring love
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
On School (My attempt at a sonnet)
Brown tables stand ready with black chairs.
What will happen today when they saunter in;
Each one with unique styles, moods and stares
becoming part of the general din
in which we attempt to impart knowledge?
Or is it for something else we are here -
leading young minds to the ocean’s edge
to face the sea of challenge without fear?
Why do we force our children to endure
hours of sitting in a pencil paper mire
when we know that learning when it’s pure
only clutches when our minds, engaged, inquire?
We’re entrenched in a mighty school fortress
which can start to open with awareness.
What will happen today when they saunter in;
Each one with unique styles, moods and stares
becoming part of the general din
in which we attempt to impart knowledge?
Or is it for something else we are here -
leading young minds to the ocean’s edge
to face the sea of challenge without fear?
Why do we force our children to endure
hours of sitting in a pencil paper mire
when we know that learning when it’s pure
only clutches when our minds, engaged, inquire?
We’re entrenched in a mighty school fortress
which can start to open with awareness.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Three Four Time
why are all the greatest songs in three
four time the lilt and the sway crescendos
building inescapably climaxes triumphing
at the top of a hill filled with shadows
and roads leading to strange, colourful
villages where everyone speaks German and
is drinking white wine out of plastic
tumblers or ceramic cups with quotes from
Goethe and Schiller written on the sides
and the children are dancing in a circle in
the town square except if you slow down and
then you are in outer space floating and
there are a million tiny stars and you turn
and see the bluegreen earth shimmering in
the sun’s light unaware of it’s own
waltz-like beauty
four time the lilt and the sway crescendos
building inescapably climaxes triumphing
at the top of a hill filled with shadows
and roads leading to strange, colourful
villages where everyone speaks German and
is drinking white wine out of plastic
tumblers or ceramic cups with quotes from
Goethe and Schiller written on the sides
and the children are dancing in a circle in
the town square except if you slow down and
then you are in outer space floating and
there are a million tiny stars and you turn
and see the bluegreen earth shimmering in
the sun’s light unaware of it’s own
waltz-like beauty
Monday, November 16, 2009
Night Drive
silent white noise drones
inside green dodge caravan flying
along concrete highway
strings of headlights needle the
dark night
red tail lights slowly getting closer or
----------------------------moving further away
bits of conversation whiz past or
silence reigns there too
each set of beams
in its way
finding paths in the blackness
---------searching for a song in the dark
inside green dodge caravan flying
along concrete highway
strings of headlights needle the
dark night
red tail lights slowly getting closer or
----------------------------moving further away
bits of conversation whiz past or
silence reigns there too
each set of beams
in its way
finding paths in the blackness
---------searching for a song in the dark
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Fort
it smelled of earth worms and wet wood
started by digging down in the shade
a square grave two feet deep
found scraps of plasterboard and
sturdy two by fours hammering together
hour by hour in the back corner of the garden
saws and hammers and smiling crooked nails
a roof rested on our mansion
keeping out some of the rain
met by flashlight deciding future
making rules examining treasures
secret club of three boys determined
to organize our world our way
I still see it there in the corner
by the trees holding our friendship
the smell of childhood
started by digging down in the shade
a square grave two feet deep
found scraps of plasterboard and
sturdy two by fours hammering together
hour by hour in the back corner of the garden
saws and hammers and smiling crooked nails
a roof rested on our mansion
keeping out some of the rain
met by flashlight deciding future
making rules examining treasures
secret club of three boys determined
to organize our world our way
I still see it there in the corner
by the trees holding our friendship
the smell of childhood
Friday, November 13, 2009
For J.
green emeralds
green islands
green oranges
green valleys
green leaves
green trees
green grass
green tea
green backs
green plans
green shift
green thumb
green peas
green cross
green frogs
green hills
green mould
green land
green sea
I love you
green eyes
green islands
green oranges
green valleys
green leaves
green trees
green grass
green tea
green backs
green plans
green shift
green thumb
green peas
green cross
green frogs
green hills
green mould
green land
green sea
I love you
green eyes
Thursday, November 12, 2009
orange flames leap and dance on soft pile
in the garden eating up twigs and dried
leaves and then subsiding and turning into
smoke which snakes up and into the grove
of trees the wind blowing it out into the
town creating that instant unmistakable
smell of burning leaves burning eyes and
nose I stir leaves to create more hesitant
flames pile reduces to a mound and then a
patch the air full of the microscopic bits
of leaf which transport into the atmosphere
and reach God
in the garden eating up twigs and dried
leaves and then subsiding and turning into
smoke which snakes up and into the grove
of trees the wind blowing it out into the
town creating that instant unmistakable
smell of burning leaves burning eyes and
nose I stir leaves to create more hesitant
flames pile reduces to a mound and then a
patch the air full of the microscopic bits
of leaf which transport into the atmosphere
and reach God
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Autumn Music
crinkling maple leaves carpet yard
-------------------------------pure piercing music of autumn
ten points on brittle tan surface
-------------------------------harmony of tone and structure
thousands have fallen
-------------------------------notes descend to a scattered unison
methodically gather them up
-------------------------------dissonant wind howls through ears
machine launches them into billowing bag
-------------------------------melodies circle perimeter of existence
dumping dusty debris in garden
-------------------------------notes held in agonizing intensity
mountain of dryness---------leaving
-------------------------------pure piercing music of autumn
ten points on brittle tan surface
-------------------------------harmony of tone and structure
thousands have fallen
-------------------------------notes descend to a scattered unison
methodically gather them up
-------------------------------dissonant wind howls through ears
machine launches them into billowing bag
-------------------------------melodies circle perimeter of existence
dumping dusty debris in garden
-------------------------------notes held in agonizing intensity
mountain of dryness---------leaving
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
This is It
what was behind it?
this mask you wore of
soft words
splashy outfit
white glove
crotch grab
buttery voice
moon walk
false mangled face
sometimes we saw a glimpse
when you crumpled your shirt in anxiety
over the tempo of a song
or when you couldn’t say that
your earpiece was simply too loud
or when you simply mourned the
loss of a tree
what your body did
magnetizing eyes to your
exquisite grace and quickness
sending sparks of love and harmony out from
fingers feet hips shoulders mouth
maybe this is what it was.
this mask you wore of
soft words
splashy outfit
white glove
crotch grab
buttery voice
moon walk
false mangled face
sometimes we saw a glimpse
when you crumpled your shirt in anxiety
over the tempo of a song
or when you couldn’t say that
your earpiece was simply too loud
or when you simply mourned the
loss of a tree
what your body did
magnetizing eyes to your
exquisite grace and quickness
sending sparks of love and harmony out from
fingers feet hips shoulders mouth
maybe this is what it was.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Commuter Beauty
grey dusky morning
chill pervades the air
in my little red candy shell
rolling down empty asphalt
beams of first daylight
flash through side window
I look and see muted colours
echo sky soul strings
horizon glows with monstrous globe
bright arc of orange freshness
wakes November fields
warms November hearts
back to the highway
and the chill (less edge now)
candy car keeps keening
moment caught forever
chill pervades the air
in my little red candy shell
rolling down empty asphalt
beams of first daylight
flash through side window
I look and see muted colours
echo sky soul strings
horizon glows with monstrous globe
bright arc of orange freshness
wakes November fields
warms November hearts
back to the highway
and the chill (less edge now)
candy car keeps keening
moment caught forever
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Pact
I remember
the street
a paved avenue of daydreams
past the creepy house of wrought iron nightmares
lined with broad ditches and tall trees
daily---back and forth
alone or with friend
two boys thinking of now and then
we stop at the tracks
before the descent
and make a pact
“remember this moment forever”
sun in a blanket of blue
black and white runners on our feet
wind ruffling hair
stones that we have kicked all the way here
I begin to rise and float above the street
the town
and I see the tracks
and two nine year old boys
stuck in time and place and
I remember
the street
a paved avenue of daydreams
past the creepy house of wrought iron nightmares
lined with broad ditches and tall trees
daily---back and forth
alone or with friend
two boys thinking of now and then
we stop at the tracks
before the descent
and make a pact
“remember this moment forever”
sun in a blanket of blue
black and white runners on our feet
wind ruffling hair
stones that we have kicked all the way here
I begin to rise and float above the street
the town
and I see the tracks
and two nine year old boys
stuck in time and place and
I remember
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sarah at Four
girl shining and trembling and tall getting to be pooh
bear this halloween standing with brother ready
to walk the streets collecting joy from neighbours and
friends who stand in doorways and marvel at the girl
in the yellow costume stuffed with parka and pillow who
knows all the words of the song and waited months to
be able to wear it bouncing like tigger and wide-eyed
like piglet who flies at the end of a kite string on a
blustery day but now she is standing at the edge of the
carpet and practicing her “trick or treat” and I look at
the picture and
bear this halloween standing with brother ready
to walk the streets collecting joy from neighbours and
friends who stand in doorways and marvel at the girl
in the yellow costume stuffed with parka and pillow who
knows all the words of the song and waited months to
be able to wear it bouncing like tigger and wide-eyed
like piglet who flies at the end of a kite string on a
blustery day but now she is standing at the edge of the
carpet and practicing her “trick or treat” and I look at
the picture and
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Gerald with the Hammer
little feet short legs nylon jacket
down the concrete path beside the water
Grandmont Park
geese gather here
we walk
stepping in every puddle
yellow rubber boots shining
he carries a hammer
a real one
it is a part of him
he’s building all the time
our voices echo across the water
greeting the geese
twinkle twinkle
puddles and hammer and song
all tie together into one
bouquet of
down the concrete path beside the water
Grandmont Park
geese gather here
we walk
stepping in every puddle
yellow rubber boots shining
he carries a hammer
a real one
it is a part of him
he’s building all the time
our voices echo across the water
greeting the geese
twinkle twinkle
puddles and hammer and song
all tie together into one
bouquet of
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lynette at Two
wide eyes
round cheeks
perfect body
hopping hop hop
stretching those growing legs
flexing to the end of your ability
taking pleasure in your body
and what it can do
your hair bounces
your hands anticipate every move
your eyes eat up the darkness
always on the move
don’t stop hopping
don’t stop stretching
don’t stop flexing
keep moving to the rhythm of
round cheeks
perfect body
hopping hop hop
stretching those growing legs
flexing to the end of your ability
taking pleasure in your body
and what it can do
your hair bounces
your hands anticipate every move
your eyes eat up the darkness
always on the move
don’t stop hopping
don’t stop stretching
don’t stop flexing
keep moving to the rhythm of
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Voice of God
deep voice vibrations
ripple out
as he
organ pipes rise vertically
in the background
silence sounds before
glass tones tingle tense
brain cells
black shirts drape
hiding individuals
unites and creates one
ripple out
as he
organ pipes rise vertically
in the background
silence sounds before
glass tones tingle tense
brain cells
black shirts drape
hiding individuals
unites and creates one
Sunday, November 1, 2009
bowls of packaged sugar stand ready
voices outside call and I
open door to memories
body clenched against wet winds
trudging gravel streets pulling wagon
safety pins hold bits of cardboard and string together
glowing faces shine through face paint
looking for the next house
a grand adventure
I stand back watching as they take first
steps in a world of doorways
I place the candy in the bags
smile and close the door
voices outside call and I
open door to memories
body clenched against wet winds
trudging gravel streets pulling wagon
safety pins hold bits of cardboard and string together
glowing faces shine through face paint
looking for the next house
a grand adventure
I stand back watching as they take first
steps in a world of doorways
I place the candy in the bags
smile and close the door
wind winters through hair
---------tree branches struggle to hold
---------on to the last of the leaves as
---------they let go and swirl onto the
---------yard and sidewalk they dance
---------across grass and rest against
---------tree trunks and buildings
---------dancing to the music of the
---------changing seasons
I limp along on my trick knee and
carry black briefcase of doom
on the day before Halloween
---------tree branches struggle to hold
---------on to the last of the leaves as
---------they let go and swirl onto the
---------yard and sidewalk they dance
---------across grass and rest against
---------tree trunks and buildings
---------dancing to the music of the
---------changing seasons
I limp along on my trick knee and
carry black briefcase of doom
on the day before Halloween
Friday, October 30, 2009
random drops land on sparsely covered head as I walk wet
sidewalk in black leather still dusted with the flour from
yesterday’s shopping when I walked on the parking lot aftertaste
from eating the chili that was handed to me in the store she was
thankful that I stopped eager for some company in the aisle of an
antiseptic grocery store that I don’t go to very often usually going
to the big store right in the next lot which has bins of movies that I
like to sort through maybe finding a bargain and buying it and then
heading back out into the lot zipping up the leather jacket because
it is probably raining in this dismal October
sidewalk in black leather still dusted with the flour from
yesterday’s shopping when I walked on the parking lot aftertaste
from eating the chili that was handed to me in the store she was
thankful that I stopped eager for some company in the aisle of an
antiseptic grocery store that I don’t go to very often usually going
to the big store right in the next lot which has bins of movies that I
like to sort through maybe finding a bargain and buying it and then
heading back out into the lot zipping up the leather jacket because
it is probably raining in this dismal October
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I zip around the corner of the sidewalk
corners are the best part
voice humming motor sounds
I am on a snowmobile
I am travelling extremely fast
at school in the morning
---------rows of desks
---------chewing gum
---------forming the gum into a cube in my fingers
---------sent to the hallway
---------conversation with principal
coming home for lunch
jump on the skidoo
park machine
get off
enter warm house for
before the long snowy ride back
with gum in pocket
corners are the best part
voice humming motor sounds
I am on a snowmobile
I am travelling extremely fast
at school in the morning
---------rows of desks
---------chewing gum
---------forming the gum into a cube in my fingers
---------sent to the hallway
---------conversation with principal
coming home for lunch
jump on the skidoo
park machine
get off
enter warm house for
before the long snowy ride back
with gum in pocket
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Cleo Poem #3
plaintive insistant
your cries come from outside the door
a calling
reverse siren
“I belong inside
being outside all night
the cold air like a blanket of teeth”
I let you in and you slink quickly to the food dish
eating a few bites
and then find a place to lick and preen
you come to me for some touch
“let me know that you are still my friend”
my hand drops and pets
and scratches
your cries come from outside the door
a calling
reverse siren
“I belong inside
being outside all night
the cold air like a blanket of teeth”
I let you in and you slink quickly to the food dish
eating a few bites
and then find a place to lick and preen
you come to me for some touch
“let me know that you are still my friend”
my hand drops and pets
and scratches
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
U2 on Youtube
because he can
over bridge
across stage-----up ramp
immense structure like a giant space spider
dwarfs singer
he stops running and sings in
broken phrases his voice
a clarion call
video screens switch to show picture of woman in Burma
I sit on computer chair and
stare at smudged screen
am I there among the roses feeding on their every move and blip
or am I a webcam inside myself staring at my smudged reflection
on the computer screen?
a tear fills the rim of my eye singing “One love”
where are we running?
in circles?
in or out?
are we virtually there yet?
because he can
over bridge
across stage-----up ramp
immense structure like a giant space spider
dwarfs singer
he stops running and sings in
broken phrases his voice
a clarion call
video screens switch to show picture of woman in Burma
I sit on computer chair and
stare at smudged screen
am I there among the roses feeding on their every move and blip
or am I a webcam inside myself staring at my smudged reflection
on the computer screen?
a tear fills the rim of my eye singing “One love”
where are we running?
in circles?
in or out?
are we virtually there yet?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dream of a Dream
a balloon hovers over the
massive forces
choir along the back
--------------in black and white
---------------------folders ready
orchestra in tuxedoes bows poised
organ piano
podium waits for me as I approach
power in my hand
lifting the baton
the balloon lifts, carrying my brain and
I can do nothing right
tune to the oboe’s steady tone
organist’s face is a question mark
now tune to the organ
choir shuffles and sighs looking longingly at the
balloon with my brain
it changes from yellow to red to black
a loud pop is heard as
I wake from a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream…
massive forces
choir along the back
--------------in black and white
---------------------folders ready
orchestra in tuxedoes bows poised
organ piano
podium waits for me as I approach
power in my hand
lifting the baton
the balloon lifts, carrying my brain and
I can do nothing right
tune to the oboe’s steady tone
organist’s face is a question mark
now tune to the organ
choir shuffles and sighs looking longingly at the
balloon with my brain
it changes from yellow to red to black
a loud pop is heard as
I wake from a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream…
Sunday, October 25, 2009
flanked by sports banners in a gymnasium grey shawl
standing behind podium head tilted forward hair falling
down over face white bracelet gleaming hand carves
statues of light emerge from air black rims on tip of
nose bubbles of confident presence emerge floating and
touching brushing hair away from eyes allowing sight
and sound to enter and emerge like a low husky voice
sounding the depths of a murky sea
standing behind podium head tilted forward hair falling
down over face white bracelet gleaming hand carves
statues of light emerge from air black rims on tip of
nose bubbles of confident presence emerge floating and
touching brushing hair away from eyes allowing sight
and sound to enter and emerge like a low husky voice
sounding the depths of a murky sea
Saturday, October 24, 2009
dark hair
-------streaks and tufts of grey
dark jacket
-------blue shirt
------------white buttons
ruddy face
-------thick glasses
gravel voice
-------words of whimsy and wonder
hand holds aloft
red book
-------streaks and tufts of grey
dark jacket
-------blue shirt
------------white buttons
ruddy face
-------thick glasses
gravel voice
-------words of whimsy and wonder
hand holds aloft
red book
Friday, October 23, 2009
Cold Shower
needles enter the head
burrowing into brain
numbing all thought feeling
all I have is pale skin
laughing out loud
crying cold tears dripping onto
hard tiled floor
all pores tightly closed
nothing in nothing out
i wear this hard cold armor
longing for warmth
burrowing into brain
numbing all thought feeling
all I have is pale skin
laughing out loud
crying cold tears dripping onto
hard tiled floor
all pores tightly closed
nothing in nothing out
i wear this hard cold armor
longing for warmth
The Play
Dim lights blanket theatre
enveloping warmth
voices all around create
cotton candy excitement as
------------darkness descends and
faint music emerges
------sweet tones of------expectation
expecting what?
the rehearsed and
the conflict and
the scripted and
the fantasy and
------imitation of life
the velvet-chained bond between
------performer and audience
enveloping warmth
voices all around create
cotton candy excitement as
------------darkness descends and
faint music emerges
------sweet tones of------expectation
expecting what?
the rehearsed and
the conflict and
the scripted and
the fantasy and
------imitation of life
the velvet-chained bond between
------performer and audience
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Youth Choir 2
simple a-frame construction
fog of conversation all around
ordinary words
---------------blunt blades blaring
sharp notes of harmony begin
--------unseen voices
-------------space welcomes
a dancing daring smile
approaches the front
--------capturing attention
-------------filling the
young bodies all shapes
-----------------------as one
sending a single idea
overtones rising and dancing
becoming one with the
and lifting us all
a-frame cutting through clouds and fog
fog of conversation all around
ordinary words
---------------blunt blades blaring
sharp notes of harmony begin
--------unseen voices
-------------space welcomes
a dancing daring smile
approaches the front
--------capturing attention
-------------filling the
young bodies all shapes
-----------------------as one
sending a single idea
overtones rising and dancing
becoming one with the
and lifting us all
a-frame cutting through clouds and fog
Me and You
in a bubble of bullet-proof glass
we fly through the forest of
a closeness of tremendous proportions
warmth and strength sustain
inside the multi-colour sphere
we hold on
blue sheets around our bodies
always this to come back to
we fly through the forest of
a closeness of tremendous proportions
warmth and strength sustain
inside the multi-colour sphere
we hold on
blue sheets around our bodies
always this to come back to
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
On Being 48
icicle thoughts form in
never ending breeze of October
juices cut off and I begin to change from
the green vibrancy to
yellow and brown tiredness
drizzle and snow dampens
wetness soaks into heart and soul
a carpet of numbness--------waiting
my grey hair keeps whispering
you’re getting old
time for the Grecian formula
time for the warmth
the blue
the green
the sun
never ending breeze of October
juices cut off and I begin to change from
the green vibrancy to
yellow and brown tiredness
drizzle and snow dampens
wetness soaks into heart and soul
a carpet of numbness--------waiting
my grey hair keeps whispering
you’re getting old
time for the Grecian formula
time for the warmth
the blue
the green
the sun
Keane Concert
voice vibrant silver velvet-tipped arrow
shoots and bounces off walls and ceiling of
standing on a platform
every sinew stretched
like a preacher proclaiming
behind him
hands flying over keys
anticipating beats and swells
bathed in washes of colour and image
moods jump from platform to stage to
knees touching outstretched hands
meandering melodies
and lush chords
with the energy
shoots and bounces off walls and ceiling of
standing on a platform
every sinew stretched
like a preacher proclaiming
behind him
hands flying over keys
anticipating beats and swells
bathed in washes of colour and image
moods jump from platform to stage to
knees touching outstretched hands
meandering melodies
and lush chords
with the energy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Come Running
flinging rope bone across yard
barely landing
all muscles engaged he
runs after it intent on
no need to learn this
began as a puppy
barely able to run a straight
he grabs the fibrous toy
and turns around
loping back
breathing hard
ready for the tug of war that ensues
he could play this game forever
in the sun
on the lawn
after a day of students and talk
ears flopping
tail never stopping
Hazel Rah!
barely landing
all muscles engaged he
runs after it intent on
no need to learn this
began as a puppy
barely able to run a straight
he grabs the fibrous toy
and turns around
loping back
breathing hard
ready for the tug of war that ensues
he could play this game forever
in the sun
on the lawn
after a day of students and talk
ears flopping
tail never stopping
Hazel Rah!
Cleo Poem #2
meows ring out loudly from the kitchen
an alarm of burning need
she wants to get out
early morning ritual
stepping on my stomach
bladder full
to find a place to lie down
pin prick sharp claws
scratch carpet on the stairs
as tufts of tan fur get
left behind
the lovely tiny face
purring body
of form and
learning forgiveness
an alarm of burning need
she wants to get out
early morning ritual
stepping on my stomach
bladder full
to find a place to lie down
pin prick sharp claws
scratch carpet on the stairs
as tufts of tan fur get
left behind
the lovely tiny face
purring body
of form and
learning forgiveness
Monday, October 19, 2009
Premature Winter
snowflakes swirl counter clockwise
gently lighting on everything in
the yard
leaves load up with little mounds
weighing down
but not falling
after snow, sun begins to warm
tiny ice crystals break down
forming droplets
slipping off leaves
dripping down onto ground
a flaky thanksgiving
gently lighting on everything in
the yard
leaves load up with little mounds
weighing down
but not falling
after snow, sun begins to warm
tiny ice crystals break down
forming droplets
slipping off leaves
dripping down onto ground
a flaky thanksgiving
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thanksgiving Dinner
singing becomes the moment
sitting gathered
tables filled with colourful creations
of culinary joy
orange sweet potatoes
white turkey meat
brown gravy
green salad
red cranberries
burgundy wine
thanks giving with family
---------our abundance glaring
praise god from whom
---------overeating again
moments that need singing
sitting gathered
tables filled with colourful creations
of culinary joy
orange sweet potatoes
white turkey meat
brown gravy
green salad
red cranberries
burgundy wine
thanks giving with family
---------our abundance glaring
praise god from whom
---------overeating again
moments that need singing
foggy plate glass obscures view
as my foggy brain struggles to
find a way
her blades cut edges in the ice
strong legs control skates
arms out to the side
across the rink
face smiling
determined eyes
spinning, jumping, twirling, gliding
over and over again
breath coming out in white clouds
a young strong body
in complete harmony
a balancing act of mind, muscle and motion
clears the fog from the plate glass
as my foggy brain struggles to
find a way
her blades cut edges in the ice
strong legs control skates
arms out to the side
across the rink
face smiling
determined eyes
spinning, jumping, twirling, gliding
over and over again
breath coming out in white clouds
a young strong body
in complete harmony
a balancing act of mind, muscle and motion
clears the fog from the plate glass
Saturday, October 17, 2009
voices all around us
----------------white walls
looking across at the spectacle of
the sea
nightly display of beauty
gold adorned women with handbags
old men running beside donkeys
----------------one thousand steps every day
stop to look and wonder
no charge for this show
bright orange haze lowers down
--------------sinking past caldera into shimmering Aegean
voices stop for a moment and take a breath to witness
the illustration of
----------------white walls
looking across at the spectacle of
the sea
nightly display of beauty
gold adorned women with handbags
old men running beside donkeys
----------------one thousand steps every day
stop to look and wonder
no charge for this show
bright orange haze lowers down
--------------sinking past caldera into shimmering Aegean
voices stop for a moment and take a breath to witness
the illustration of
hot water washes over body
dripping down
exquisite warmth absorbs into tired muscles
and I think of Florence
a room on Dante’s street
the cooling fan blows refreshing air over our
revealed bodies
as we drink wine and love each other
the exquisite closeness
spreads out into the room, building, street
enveloping all of Italy
dripping into our
dripping down
exquisite warmth absorbs into tired muscles
and I think of Florence
a room on Dante’s street
the cooling fan blows refreshing air over our
revealed bodies
as we drink wine and love each other
the exquisite closeness
spreads out into the room, building, street
enveloping all of Italy
dripping into our
Friday, October 16, 2009
blonde ringlets bounce
bright green eyes pierce through shadows
round cheeks
and mouth form expressions of total
creating song from
items heard, learned, observed---------kings, special, easter dresses
profound innocence
blonde curls rest
tired eyes behind funky glasses
intent on page as pen
creating poems from
inner thoughts and intense experience
---------love, faith, truth, pain
showing us how
bright green eyes pierce through shadows
round cheeks
and mouth form expressions of total
creating song from
items heard, learned, observed---------kings, special, easter dresses
profound innocence
blonde curls rest
tired eyes behind funky glasses
intent on page as pen
creating poems from
inner thoughts and intense experience
---------love, faith, truth, pain
showing us how
pushing off
hands slicing through water
beginning to stroke and kick
regular breaths
feeling the cool chlorine skim past
line on the bottom leads to the other end of
the pool
every stroke is a struggle
no end in mind
a gulp of water instead of a breath punctuates the repetition
just get through
laps overlap and become
one big lap
tell me again why I am doing this
hands slicing through water
beginning to stroke and kick
regular breaths
feeling the cool chlorine skim past
line on the bottom leads to the other end of
the pool
every stroke is a struggle
no end in mind
a gulp of water instead of a breath punctuates the repetition
just get through
laps overlap and become
one big lap
tell me again why I am doing this
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Mass at St. Marks Cathedral
arches and domes dominate the square
----------Sunday morning in Venice
-----------------day after festival party
-----------------------streets littered
-----------------------------cups, bottles, cans
----------crowds of tourists create chaos
heat rises off cobblestones
----------sun glances off the cathedral
-----------------as we join line to enter
cool stillness envelopes us
----------notes from the organ lead on
-----------------sitting in the back we wait and marvel
------------------------who built this place?
choir sings – I know this song – “Ubi Caritas”
----------“Where charity and love are
-----------------God is there”
harmonies echo the huge expanse of arches and domes creating
-----------a sense of restoration
-----------------whoever built this place
-----------------------built it for
filled with beauty, we leave to join the
----------Sunday morning in Venice
-----------------day after festival party
-----------------------streets littered
-----------------------------cups, bottles, cans
----------crowds of tourists create chaos
heat rises off cobblestones
----------sun glances off the cathedral
-----------------as we join line to enter
cool stillness envelopes us
----------notes from the organ lead on
-----------------sitting in the back we wait and marvel
------------------------who built this place?
choir sings – I know this song – “Ubi Caritas”
----------“Where charity and love are
-----------------God is there”
harmonies echo the huge expanse of arches and domes creating
-----------a sense of restoration
-----------------whoever built this place
-----------------------built it for
filled with beauty, we leave to join the
long legs stretched or
tucked under
stubbled face with unruly
blonde crop of hair
glasses sit crooked
laptop propped
book on the side
music plays
Young or Dylan
Hey Dad, did you know Isaiah walked around naked for three years
his brain a repository of
trivial and important
due date looms
giant foot of doom
he’s in the zone
making it happen
tucked under
stubbled face with unruly
blonde crop of hair
glasses sit crooked
laptop propped
book on the side
music plays
Young or Dylan
Hey Dad, did you know Isaiah walked around naked for three years
his brain a repository of
trivial and important
due date looms
giant foot of doom
he’s in the zone
making it happen
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Delphi Marathon
carrying water bottle
--------------heading down the hill towards
beautiful pillars standing tall and imposing
------------requests contemplation
15 minutes to get there
------------it’s a dry heat – 40 degrees
Satie plays in my head
------------single notes
-----------------simple chords
----------------------so full of prayer
glance at watch
------------must get back for bus
take pictures and start climbing
------------must run if I’m going to make it
It feels like a marathon
------------sweat runs down
-----------------head pounding with heat
----------------------should I hitchhike?
will Athena help?
the ancients didn’t have to catch a bus
they didn’t have Satie either.
--------------heading down the hill towards
beautiful pillars standing tall and imposing
------------requests contemplation
15 minutes to get there
------------it’s a dry heat – 40 degrees
Satie plays in my head
------------single notes
-----------------simple chords
----------------------so full of prayer
glance at watch
------------must get back for bus
take pictures and start climbing
------------must run if I’m going to make it
It feels like a marathon
------------sweat runs down
-----------------head pounding with heat
----------------------should I hitchhike?
will Athena help?
the ancients didn’t have to catch a bus
they didn’t have Satie either.
a gravelly whisper
“what are we waiting for?”
the white wavy hair crowning
face full of confusion
leaning to the right in
the wheelchair
no strength left to sit straight
this man of straight corn rows (and desks)
perfectly placed scrabble tiles
and the three point sermon
“what are we waiting for?”
“we aren’t waiting, dad, I’m here for a visit.”
little remembered
nothing enjoyed
What are we waiting for?
“what are we waiting for?”
the white wavy hair crowning
face full of confusion
leaning to the right in
the wheelchair
no strength left to sit straight
this man of straight corn rows (and desks)
perfectly placed scrabble tiles
and the three point sermon
“what are we waiting for?”
“we aren’t waiting, dad, I’m here for a visit.”
little remembered
nothing enjoyed
What are we waiting for?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Salty waves wash warm over
stinging eyes bobbing in
blue water
waves of heat blow
across pebbly sand
reviving synapses and sinews
waves well from within
soaking in the love of one for another
floating in an ocean of waves
stinging eyes bobbing in
blue water
waves of heat blow
across pebbly sand
reviving synapses and sinews
waves well from within
soaking in the love of one for another
floating in an ocean of waves
Cleo Poem #1
a single silent leap
onto my lap
I don’t touch her as
she arranges herself
purring padding front paws
turning until ready
and settling
her weight warming my legs
I am the chosen one
but don’t touch
she wants proximity
but not affection
thick silky fur
tempts my hand
how can I not?
stroking the softness
she offers her face and I
scratching below the pointed, perfect ear
but I know the clock is running
leaping off
she glides somewhere else and
I am left
with an empty lap
onto my lap
I don’t touch her as
she arranges herself
purring padding front paws
turning until ready
and settling
her weight warming my legs
I am the chosen one
but don’t touch
she wants proximity
but not affection
thick silky fur
tempts my hand
how can I not?
stroking the softness
she offers her face and I
scratching below the pointed, perfect ear
but I know the clock is running
leaping off
she glides somewhere else and
I am left
with an empty lap
Monday, October 12, 2009
Retaining Wall
concrete --------rough ---------heavy
grooves fit together
set in place
a new flower bed
limestone base
perfect curves and
straight lines…not
a wall retaining what?
remembering Frost’s poem
“Before I built a wall…”
remembering words said and not said
and laughter
damage on a summer night
with a black lake and shining moon
tossing all night in a cold bed
am I mending?
the blocks make my arms ache
working together
coming to the curve
“something there is…”
the blocks don’t fit
sunlight fades as I work backwards
moving every block again
my ---------arms --------ache
grooves fit together
set in place
a new flower bed
limestone base
perfect curves and
straight lines…not
a wall retaining what?
remembering Frost’s poem
“Before I built a wall…”
remembering words said and not said
and laughter
damage on a summer night
with a black lake and shining moon
tossing all night in a cold bed
am I mending?
the blocks make my arms ache
working together
coming to the curve
“something there is…”
the blocks don’t fit
sunlight fades as I work backwards
moving every block again
my ---------arms --------ache
clouds and fog hang low in the air
drizzle almost rain
soaks through
to brain
teetering on the edge of sadness
tables and chairs filled
backpacks and binders
open and close
desk piles with papers
words scrawled and printed neatly
keys and pens get used
dozens of times
words fly through the air
exploratory tendative
no positions taken
full of respect
sitting with agendas
pretending professionalism
nothing decided
clouds still hang
driving home in fog
eating at the table
family clears clouds away
stories and giggles
drizzle almost rain
soaks through
to brain
teetering on the edge of sadness
tables and chairs filled
backpacks and binders
open and close
desk piles with papers
words scrawled and printed neatly
keys and pens get used
dozens of times
words fly through the air
exploratory tendative
no positions taken
full of respect
sitting with agendas
pretending professionalism
nothing decided
clouds still hang
driving home in fog
eating at the table
family clears clouds away
stories and giggles
where are the sunflower dresses that
ring so true in the warm wind of my love?
where is the leftover raisin that squishes under
the feet of blind desire?
leave me a morsel of turkey breast at
the thanksgiving table of forgiveness
the jaded lightning rod of anger
comes with a money back guarantee
don’t try to understand the patterns of colour
on an autumn leaf
just fall in harmony with the sensational dying beauty
ring so true in the warm wind of my love?
where is the leftover raisin that squishes under
the feet of blind desire?
leave me a morsel of turkey breast at
the thanksgiving table of forgiveness
the jaded lightning rod of anger
comes with a money back guarantee
don’t try to understand the patterns of colour
on an autumn leaf
just fall in harmony with the sensational dying beauty
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Losing Ourselves in Venice
we find the church
round and round we
go till
bumping into it
entering and thinking
Vivaldi knew these streets
going to Mass or school
didn’t get lost
strings begin and despite
warmth and sweat
getting lost in the sustained melodies
as they swirl among the medieval frescoes
young player
the time of his life
playing spring solo in venerable Venice
getting lost in his joy
walking home
the darkness fools us
doubling back
where now?
melodies that double back and circle and repeat till
the home key is found and we
sleep in Italy one last time.
round and round we
go till
bumping into it
entering and thinking
Vivaldi knew these streets
going to Mass or school
didn’t get lost
strings begin and despite
warmth and sweat
getting lost in the sustained melodies
as they swirl among the medieval frescoes
young player
the time of his life
playing spring solo in venerable Venice
getting lost in his joy
walking home
the darkness fools us
doubling back
where now?
melodies that double back and circle and repeat till
the home key is found and we
sleep in Italy one last time.
The Acropolis
constant hum of cicadas
invisible in the trees
steady strong hot wind
blows skirts and hair
as sun heats up ancient stones
marble ruins
surrounded by miles of grime and litter of Athens
I look for the insects in the trees
but can’t see them
I wonder
did Sophocles hear the Cicadas?
as I climb the steps of the Theatre of Dionysus
placing myself in
the hot
drama of existance
invisible in the trees
steady strong hot wind
blows skirts and hair
as sun heats up ancient stones
marble ruins
surrounded by miles of grime and litter of Athens
I look for the insects in the trees
but can’t see them
I wonder
did Sophocles hear the Cicadas?
as I climb the steps of the Theatre of Dionysus
placing myself in
the hot
drama of existance
look out balcony to see
orange glowing horizon
Apollo shows himself over
the eastern sea of Santorini
rear view mirror picture
framed by dense trees
orange glowing morning
of Manitoba Maple
Volcanic feeling of
framed by
home and
orange glowing horizon
Apollo shows himself over
the eastern sea of Santorini
rear view mirror picture
framed by dense trees
orange glowing morning
of Manitoba Maple
Volcanic feeling of
framed by
home and
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