Friday, May 29, 2020

Prairie Tallgrass Preserve

we walk the spongy path of spring
on this Sunday in May

fine droplets splash
up to knees

listen to birds sing in the tall dried grass
of last fall

we want to know more
about these birds

these trees
these plants
these lives
that survive in this ancient Agassiz lakeshore

more questions than answers always walking back
to Honda CRV

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

three boys

early autumn evening
sky dusking
dew damp

three boys wrestle on the front lawn
like Crusher & Mad Dog
Bockwinkel  & Gagne

figure four leg locks
half nelsons body
slams & sleepers

grass stains on knees & elbows
& endless play-by-play

for these were days before
leaves falling before
winter cold before
the leaving behind

Thursday, May 14, 2020

fruitless naming

this four cornered
sunroom is full with

all that I see and can

but there’s more of
course there is always more
and naming isn’t enough for you
cannot say a spell to carry the shape
and curve and perfect green of a tomato leaf
hanging still on a stem
every day a little louder
song in thrall to light and

but still we try
with words rubbed smooth to fill a page
a square of sun

Monday, May 11, 2020


this northern spring salt
in our cuts           buds neither in
or out holding breath

Thursday, May 7, 2020

I sing May

I sing May voice
craning to edge of June
I sing May song
bursting leaf buds
I sing May words
distinct whistles of wrens and killdeer
I sing May melody
sways strong spring winds
I sing May tempo
of darting daring leaping child
I sing May key
of flower buds and bumble bees
I sing May
in service of spring

Saturday, May 2, 2020

lux aeterna

cat in the sunbeam
major chord modulates
trees shadow road
sky domes blue
soprano wings tip to tip
rooted seedlings green air
sparrows dip jerky beaks
small boy turns on bike with smile 
house shadow defeated