Wednesday, April 22, 2020


glasses broke last week
right in the middle of the bar
that connects two halves

these progressives now separate

now isolated monocles

& so I take tape clear
& wrap & connect
fix to flimsy wearability &

order new eyesight online
I wonder
will I see different and new
in these new unbroken times

Monday, April 20, 2020


a bird is on the top twigs
of tallest tree
down the path
swaying in the breaths of wind

effortless balancing act of
impressive proportions

I get my binoculars & see that it’s a
black feathers preening in the sway

it’s no doubt speaking
a prophet of things to come
or cloud
or warmth
or hate
or stones
or death

but I cannot hear
I only see the topmost sight
& then it slowly takes wing
the message sent

Thursday, April 16, 2020

snowy morning post-Easter

April post-Easter
in cold COVID time

snow frosts yard
every    few        hours
like icing on paska  
but no multi-coloured sprinkles

& we wait for spring

love-shedding sun
to lighten dark spirits
dark minds
inside four walls
of pandemic isolation

look out window
past trees            past clouds         past skies
to eternal & touch the risen one for hope
beyond this knowing and unknowing
beyond this unprecedented precedent
beyond this stasis

& it shall descend with sunny sprinkles

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID Good Friday

Bach sonata slow
solo double stops
like steps to the hill

wooden violin on neck
bow stroking gently

John on stage alone
performs to empty pews
camera a river to lonely homes

we watch in two minute
delayed lag
tears welling up

for we must slowly walk
this lonesome valley

Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump haiku #18

oh you hateful man
you even spoil our simple
Rook game trump-a-lump

Monday, April 6, 2020

Roger explores town

there is a balm…
in spring
with a boy on a balance bike
in village with puddles and mud

when he pushes so fast and then
glides through feet in the air
to other side

clear voice up to sky

so keep pushing forward
to the next one
and the next one
and the next one
because it never gets old

there is a balm

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


full now
with frozen bits
of peel and scrap
after long winter two
black bins at yard’s edge
and when sun’s flickers glance
it thaws and settles slowly slowly
decaying into organic mixed matter
that can be turned into the soil where
we grow flowers and carrots paying heed
to the great curved arrows of life in our world