Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trump haiku 17

three years is enough
to endure this terrible
unkindness; remove!

Friday, January 24, 2020

psalm XV

we walk through
snow and cold and drive
shoulders convex
on iced street
whiteness drifting

we’ve heard the third
time shifting magic
triumph and tragedy in the spirit of

when in a blink earth shifts
and tires drift and
we gently stop backwards

you are there in the
major and minor
in the hunch
in the drift and shift
in the forte and piano
in the father and son

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

walkie talkies

I found them on his shelf
in a ziplock
and magic ensued

voices thrown from room
to room
voiced waves transformed
into signals so simple

now unbound by
trick of invention
so that this small boy can whisper delight into my ear

oh to ziplock these cries of delight

Friday, January 17, 2020

to Roger almost four

twining your way
deep into our hearts
like unbroken viola melody
with sweet chords
and unabashed feeling

strong legs run and jump a perfect arc
you test the boundaries of patience
blond wispy hair curling upward  

and with laced up skates
you balance ice and wind beginning
to glide through
bumpy patches on this makeshift rink

Thursday, January 9, 2020


unkind winds sweep ice
walk warily soles slipping
carols hum          reassure