Monday, June 24, 2019

summer solstice

wait through
bare November branches
like death            sky scratch

wait December
gnawing cold through
dark       dark nights

wait white
winter sun glinting with
waves of chill

wait early Spring
like budding trees unfurl
with returning warmth

wait May
feel sun warmth
stealth approach

for this day of
earliest morn
and latest eve
for now summer frees us
wind washing all

Monday, June 17, 2019


practical close-cropped hair
above welcoming laugh
faith lived in doing

serving tables
frying rollkuchen
shaping and guiding young lives
around template of truth
crafting lyrics and melody
into songs of smiles and tears
carefully shaping resonant wood
with curved symmetry
instrumental in creating
that sings together the tune
of close-cropped servanthood  

Friday, June 14, 2019

look up

green arc of tree canopy
against refracted blue
in cloudless sky
framed by tall narrow window
in this darkish room

it’s the arc we live
so delicate wavering in wind
greenness our gift to the frame

gradual up and
gentle down

I only see part
through window
from one angle
from this far away
but the story is mine
below the dome of sunspilled blue

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


and so falls the rain
grass and dandelion stand to gain
on this droughted plain