Wednesday, May 22, 2019

psalm XIII

there’s a beat
elusive amid rustle of
hypnotic repetition
wind waving branches
inside fabric of new leaves

kick drum heart beat
beneath interweaving brass band
flights of finery

steady always there beat
the flap of wing in
massive blue infinite

Thursday, May 16, 2019

you and me

two hearts tied
leaning on those speakers
red felt bulging with beans
hand stitched
tough edges like evening caress

like us
tied to each other
year through year
in full aliveness of the other
facing out together
bulging with constant spring

Friday, May 3, 2019

family song

we would sing together
five of us
at first just children’s songs
simple hymns
little Lynette backed up into my knees
while I strummed

and then songs and hymns
in four parts
now the kids took solos and duets
clear glass voices rising together

preparation was sometimes
so easily bruised by words and looks

but sometimes a small bird was released
wings strong
and would soar in deep blue magical sky

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

quartet (toTim)

there’s this funny picture of the four of us
a frozen moment
and you are wearing
a beret I think
harmonizing a low note lips pursed
and ridiculously holding a ukulele
other dignified hand on hip

we are about 30 I think
give or take
I’ve got jacket slung leaning against piano
black-rimmed shades
smiling at the world

Joel plays toy silver trumpet
elbows out
black blazer
sleeves too short for his personality

and taking the front
fingers snapping
Esch is duke of earl
eyes closed red beard flaming framing face

our shadows defined
behind us on wall
yours is nearest
we didn’t see them at the time