Tuesday, February 19, 2019


sometimes the miracle of snow
overwhelms as it settles on every surface
the miracle of snow overwhelms
as it settles on every surface
sometimes overwhelms as it settles
on every surface the miracle of snow
sometimes as it settles on every surface
overwhelms the miracle of snow
sometimes on every surface as it settles
overwhelms the miracle of snow sometimes

Friday, February 1, 2019

caw fee

strut scraping morning on
highway 1
I see a crow land in snowy ditch
picks up part of a Timmy’s bag and flies off

maybe there’s a coupon attached
and he can light on the drive-thru window
and get a double double

if he just taps with beak on the glass
someone will say
may I take your order please

cuz crows need coffee too
just ask ‘em