Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gretna Post Office

stands sentinel
on this corner of Main and Hespelar
red burnished brick
peaked turrets

imposing                              important

impressive                          impactful

symbol of connection to
like the train tracks across the street

now ninety years old
not that old really
in the larger view of things
yet it shivers a patina of permanence
on this icy surface where we slip and fall

snow drifting over our
flawed forms

remember          we can still send a letter
pen on textured paper
folded in an envelope
stamp placed carefully in corner
walk up the cement steps and drop it in the chute
and know that it will wing its way
our cry for

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I read to Tim now

poetry mostly
words mysterious
seeping into spaces
between the cancer
where he still is                 Tim

I am the curator choosing
Frost and
and Williams
                and Epp

and we gather up the filaments of  40 years
this way
slippery and delicate in our hands

our friendship
writers teachers singers
sports fans
sons fathers husbands men of faith
lovers of the
mystery of words

Monday, January 28, 2019

winter sunrise on highway 75

this prairie blossom
unfolds like letter from friend
love envelops me

Friday, January 25, 2019

winter day

Rachmaninov wind 
buffeting at the window
flakes driven across snowy expanse
by insistent Russian melody
like Atlas holds frigid world unflagging

and we bundle in
and scarves
and coats to
face the beautiful biting wind

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Roger at the airport

blue jacket all zipped up
blonde curls like love
he stands on tiled floor between mother and father
big lined boots signal January
and hands grip new yellow toy backhoe and drill
because play!

parents look on ready to fly home
to the cats and apartment on a hill

yet this is the wary world right now
on departure floor of brightly lit terminal
waiting for goodbyes and hugs
and the eternal advice from Mr. Fred Penner
take good care of each other

Monday, January 7, 2019

licorice all-sorts

jazz bowl
filled with sweet sugar cantata colour
bonded with
black blues
square tubular
tunnels of auto-tuned taste
all waiting for indulgence
Christmas music overdose