Monday, December 2, 2019


so many frames
pictured people caught inside
safe       secure

mom dad 1950
wedding suits and gowns
so soon after war and upheaval
no sign on faces serene
on little chapel stage

and g and s and l
chins resting on chub arms
already          so           them

we are all there
arranged on stand and piano
safe from sadness
and disappointment
and break-up
and hardship
and illness
and fights
and worry
just slow arpeggios and long bowed notes on the violin

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lisa doing art

and there are windows
light lifting
bright door
and there’s a drop cloth under easel
paisley draped over table paper paint plates
stool in front
painting of forest

but she stands beside canvas
brush in hand filling in a barked branch
black curls like ideas singing
bare foot pointing fearless

the world is this
tiny stroke of blue-green
upon creation

Friday, November 8, 2019

Roger's smiles

there are two

one for the camera
squint eyes
pinch mouth
dimple chin jutted
look I’m three
I know how to smile

one for himself
in midst of play
giant eyes
shine teeth
ha laugh
I’m three
I see monsters to slay
and fires to douse and
I can play a trumpet fanfare for all to hear
no camera needed

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

three cats

twelve paws
sixty claws
many meows
in a day of coming and going
in and out

two black brothers
Bilbo and Buxy
trouble in twos
and Henry the tabby
learning to be friends
in this modest home of
lived-in lustre

at least the fur is soft

Monday, November 4, 2019

box by the door

the woolens have come out
and hats
and scarves
and sweaters
that keep you in

bare skin ensconced in fibres
north winds tamed
and stormy snow safe

I wear I heart NY toque
pushing heat down body
flooding inner heart warmth
on this frozen last day of
leafy October

Thursday, October 31, 2019


so                           many
ways      to
describe snow
but                         when    flakes
on a blue             jay          in
    October                           beside
a tan            squirrel
at the                    base    of      a
pine         it’s            kinda

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mennonites 2019

you wanna know about Mennonites*
build big churches now
big wide stages
drum sets
electric guitars and lots of microphones

pews nicely padded
or maybe just cushioned chairs
all in neat rows

banners hang walls with scripture



a white cross hangs from ceiling
beautifully balanced

but it ain’t just a cross
oh no
it’s gotta have some use
it’s also got Bose speakers
connected to the sound booth

technician controls all

*to quote PF

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

leaps of boyhood

he’s got red guitar shirt
and pizza shorts
bare feet stand the stairs

bounce ball
and then follow
jump the last three steps
in a graceful ballet
all body parts in harmony
first right foot in the       air
then left pushes off
just the right amount

in flight left catches up
while body leans              forward
braces for impact
knees flex on landing
hands come forward to touch floor
smile “hah”

so simple
 it looks
but it’s a symphony
of movement
such joy in what we can do

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump haiku #16

I’m gonna take a
sharpie and cross your name off
of the last four years

Friday, September 13, 2019

Green Point

these cliffs are a story
beyond beauty
layers of shale and limestone
buckle and belt around these shoreline curves

time unfurling like a ribbon in wind
parallel harmony leading back
four hundred and eighty-five million years
to a point between epochs


can’t you see it?
strange and wonderful mystery
of this green/blue home
hurtling through space

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


nothing grows here on these poisonous rocks
buckled up from earth’s mantle
so long ago
inexorably slow movement of tectonic shift
part of this chaotic plan for life
on earth


these flat hills
so repellant and telling

Monday, September 9, 2019

sunrise at Cape Spear

we’re on the tip
jutting out
eastern edge of
continent with
orange glow of dawn on horizon
while whales play the surface of
await the first                of sun a new day
July nineteen 2019 crashes new world
wave upon wave of wonder

so many days
so many dawns
each one a new miracle of

Sunday, September 1, 2019

along the trail at 35 years

there’s a cascade behind us
white-water roaring ears 
and we stand on wooden platform looking out
faces red             salty
but smiling hope

the trail getting here a mix
of up and down
dry and muddy
sunny and shaded
and we stopped to marvel the flowers
irises and roses and pitchers and lupins

but we arrived and stand here
and pose for this picture
love and friendship intact

Friday, August 23, 2019

Signal Hill

look east
out to the old world
you are high up on windy hill
old old rocks worn down beneath feet
and what do you see
past the boats
and whales in the harbour
past the hazy horizon[?]

maybe it's the approach of crazy explorers
back a millennium
maybe it's the changing of the world
icebergs melting
maybe it's a U boat
lurking war not far
maybe it's the eons ago continental drift
still moving
maybe it's the wireless invisible beep
world shrinking[!]

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kathleen Edwards on Main Stage (folk fest '19 #3)

she strides the stage
faded jeans long hair bare arms
jangly song
like spice on our tongues

footsteps tell us she’s back
taking the lead
showing the way

Monday, August 12, 2019

Sunny War at Little Stage (folkfest '19 #2)

hard core
no compromise
no giving in
no weakness

all black and white t
leather boots laced up tight

stands alone
ringing voice free

yet this hard core is tender

Saturday, August 10, 2019

William Prince at Spruce Hollow (Folk Fest '19 #1)

voice a soft
of pine needles
landing arms and legs     outstretched

he sits with guitar
white t-shirt
no pretentions

he is present
he is wise
he is melodic
he is emotion
he is peace
he is friend
he is full of past
he is reconciliation
he is future

Friday, August 2, 2019

we gorge on rites

it’s a sacred route
grandparent/child walk
through clattering city down Locke St.
where workers tear up concrete streets
machine a giant blade cutting through to nature

cross bridge over
tracks it’s necessary to stop
and pick up small rocks
put them in backpack little
scallops to save for later feast of stones

run up and down
a ramp gaze at the train passing
underneath with all the spring garbage on 
bank and then past the dog park where gnathic
battles are fought with growls and chase and cluster

then there it is
small park with orange slide
age three mind entirely enraptured
he climbs up tall ladder strong legs lifting
and sits                 the slide down undulating

at bottom he gets up
to weave a path back to ladder
up again and down this time saying
bump bump he wears a shiny velour sweater
with orange designs as if he was dressed for this place

run back to ladder
and down bump bump and
back up again this becoming ritual
we gorge on rites wiring our brains in serpentine
structures there is a climbing wall swing set monkey bars

but it’s the slide and we are smiling audience to this holy repetition

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lake Winnipeg

this ocean placed
like a hand on the prairie
placid today pliant plush with memory

of fine fine sand sifting
through toes
as we walk and walk through shallows
waves rushing

of driftwood fires
lighting Pat beach on a summer night

of a boardwalk and dance halls
in earlier times
trains shuttling weekenders
for family time

of volunteers building the peers
that line shore every spring
each board finds its place

of fishers cresting waves
catching pickerel and goldeye

of agassiz glacier receding
leaving these basins south and north
and draining half a continent into northern bay

crow story

all day
crow perched branches in the woods
speaking the language of black
absorbing all other colours
like death
like bare branches in June
like brown grass on the lawn
like dried day lilies

wise words tell me crows don’t like shiny
like compact discs twirling in wind
so I hang them from the trees
sway and spin
like dancer catching the sun
banishing the black

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

psalm XIV

birds echo this cloudy morning
sound fractured in branched woods
and my cold hands touch the warm skin of my ear
perked to hear birdsong
the music of summer winging

Monday, June 24, 2019

summer solstice

wait through
bare November branches
like death            sky scratch

wait December
gnawing cold through
dark       dark nights

wait white
winter sun glinting with
waves of chill

wait early Spring
like budding trees unfurl
with returning warmth

wait May
feel sun warmth
stealth approach

for this day of
earliest morn
and latest eve
for now summer frees us
wind washing all

Monday, June 17, 2019


practical close-cropped hair
above welcoming laugh
faith lived in doing

serving tables
frying rollkuchen
shaping and guiding young lives
around template of truth
crafting lyrics and melody
into songs of smiles and tears
carefully shaping resonant wood
with curved symmetry
instrumental in creating
that sings together the tune
of close-cropped servanthood  

Friday, June 14, 2019

look up

green arc of tree canopy
against refracted blue
in cloudless sky
framed by tall narrow window
in this darkish room

it’s the arc we live
so delicate wavering in wind
greenness our gift to the frame

gradual up and
gentle down

I only see part
through window
from one angle
from this far away
but the story is mine
below the dome of sunspilled blue

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


and so falls the rain
grass and dandelion stand to gain
on this droughted plain

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

psalm XIII

there’s a beat
elusive amid rustle of
hypnotic repetition
wind waving branches
inside fabric of new leaves

kick drum heart beat
beneath interweaving brass band
flights of finery

steady always there beat
the flap of wing in
massive blue infinite

Thursday, May 16, 2019

you and me

two hearts tied
leaning on those speakers
red felt bulging with beans
hand stitched
tough edges like evening caress

like us
tied to each other
year through year
in full aliveness of the other
facing out together
bulging with constant spring

Friday, May 3, 2019

family song

we would sing together
five of us
at first just children’s songs
simple hymns
little Lynette backed up into my knees
while I strummed

and then songs and hymns
in four parts
now the kids took solos and duets
clear glass voices rising together

preparation was sometimes
so easily bruised by words and looks

but sometimes a small bird was released
wings strong
and would soar in deep blue magical sky

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

quartet (toTim)

there’s this funny picture of the four of us
a frozen moment
and you are wearing
a beret I think
harmonizing a low note lips pursed
and ridiculously holding a ukulele
other dignified hand on hip

we are about 30 I think
give or take
I’ve got jacket slung leaning against piano
black-rimmed shades
smiling at the world

Joel plays toy silver trumpet
elbows out
black blazer
sleeves too short for his personality

and taking the front
fingers snapping
Esch is duke of earl
eyes closed red beard flaming framing face

our shadows defined
behind us on wall
yours is nearest
we didn’t see them at the time

Friday, March 15, 2019

requiem (elegy for Tim - 1960-2019)

rest now
even with so so much still
left to do
and see
your way
                bass tones chuckling
and fear assaulting
like fire from above
scorching the way ahead with
fierce rage

rest now from tasks well-done
and a life well-loved
even with all the
G. Timothy quirks
and coming up short
and sadness rising
like a flood through floorboards
soaking shoes

rest now
dear friend
for you will shine
bright chords soaring in our hearts
so rest now

Monday, March 11, 2019

et in terra pax

and on earth

this earth bleeding
deep sadness
falling into doubt
daring love to be present
here on terra firma
this firm earth
so frozen now under all this

and yet we bundle up
down coats
wind proof hoods
and walk
crunching ice underfoot
and smile to neighbour
and open hearts to people
let them in

love be present
and on earth

Friday, March 8, 2019

Trump haiku #15

what will it take to
indict impeach repeal re-
place this vileness?

Monday, March 4, 2019

Roger explores the English Gardens

hands splayed on old felled trunk
happy unguarded smile
for he’s found his spot away from
wedding ado
that connects with the life of the warm earth
under bare feet

who cares about
little button up shirt
suspenders and bow tie
so formal in the midst of this
green and gnarled brown nature

bright face and random blond curls
one with this garden

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


sometimes the miracle of snow
overwhelms as it settles on every surface
the miracle of snow overwhelms
as it settles on every surface
sometimes overwhelms as it settles
on every surface the miracle of snow
sometimes as it settles on every surface
overwhelms the miracle of snow
sometimes on every surface as it settles
overwhelms the miracle of snow sometimes

Friday, February 1, 2019

caw fee

strut scraping morning on
highway 1
I see a crow land in snowy ditch
picks up part of a Timmy’s bag and flies off

maybe there’s a coupon attached
and he can light on the drive-thru window
and get a double double

if he just taps with beak on the glass
someone will say
may I take your order please

cuz crows need coffee too
just ask ‘em

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gretna Post Office

stands sentinel
on this corner of Main and Hespelar
red burnished brick
peaked turrets

imposing                              important

impressive                          impactful

symbol of connection to
like the train tracks across the street

now ninety years old
not that old really
in the larger view of things
yet it shivers a patina of permanence
on this icy surface where we slip and fall

snow drifting over our
flawed forms

remember          we can still send a letter
pen on textured paper
folded in an envelope
stamp placed carefully in corner
walk up the cement steps and drop it in the chute
and know that it will wing its way
our cry for

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I read to Tim now

poetry mostly
words mysterious
seeping into spaces
between the cancer
where he still is                 Tim

I am the curator choosing
Frost and
and Williams
                and Epp

and we gather up the filaments of  40 years
this way
slippery and delicate in our hands

our friendship
writers teachers singers
sports fans
sons fathers husbands men of faith
lovers of the
mystery of words

Monday, January 28, 2019

winter sunrise on highway 75

this prairie blossom
unfolds like letter from friend
love envelops me

Friday, January 25, 2019

winter day

Rachmaninov wind 
buffeting at the window
flakes driven across snowy expanse
by insistent Russian melody
like Atlas holds frigid world unflagging

and we bundle in
and scarves
and coats to
face the beautiful biting wind

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Roger at the airport

blue jacket all zipped up
blonde curls like love
he stands on tiled floor between mother and father
big lined boots signal January
and hands grip new yellow toy backhoe and drill
because play!

parents look on ready to fly home
to the cats and apartment on a hill

yet this is the wary world right now
on departure floor of brightly lit terminal
waiting for goodbyes and hugs
and the eternal advice from Mr. Fred Penner
take good care of each other

Monday, January 7, 2019

licorice all-sorts

jazz bowl
filled with sweet sugar cantata colour
bonded with
black blues
square tubular
tunnels of auto-tuned taste
all waiting for indulgence
Christmas music overdose