Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Trump Haiku #14

nine lives of cat Trump
Donald are used up and now
he cannot come back

Friday, December 14, 2018

winter again

snow and hoar frost branched
and kitty shaking his paws
before going out

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Jesse's Magnificat

voices true and tentative begin
like new shoot and then
petals blossom and bloom
first in pale pink and then darkening into crimson
and violet
very visceral strands of joy and pain
tenderness twists around ancient text
in worried wonder gathering waves of whimsy and power
washing over this space
sanctified sanctuary
and all become vessels of
hushed magnificence 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Louella sings Pie Jesu at Dora Janzen's funeral

and a skylark rises up
wings whooshing air into tiny whirlwinds
eyes transfixed by upward everness
and we join in
souls lifting on the currents
of cadence
into lovely sky
tears brimming eyes
and sing