Monday, April 30, 2018

violets are blooming and robins are back

raise your head
slowly if you want
unshade winter eyes
and look to see that
colour has made a comeback

erupting from dormant earth
blades grow green

maple buds burst
rust red

sunwarm sky
friendly pale blue

feathered breast returned
orange red

small delicate petals
pink and deeper purple

bare sticks in distance
glow pale green

and see…
April becomes May

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Trump Haiku #13

not good at kindness
or any other virtue
he’s great at vices

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

five tulips

yellow and green
curved harmony
in square vase

closest to me
leaf folded in on
itself                      edge
of one petal
slowly                   peeling                                 away

twisted yellow                  f r a y i n g            at the tip   perfectly horizontal

stem dips
low then points up
bulb of brightness           reaching achingly
tired cells knowing
these are the last hours
of beauty

turned away from me
ashamed             aware                   aggrieved
about to flutter down

crossed on top
closed off
unwilling to breathe in
to know the air
                reclining               resting
on fading

Friday, April 6, 2018

Roger and the geese

drizzle dampens path
Princess Point
and the shore of
lazy lagoon water from great lake Ontario
where swans and geese as large as you
with your little rubber boots splashing in shallows
swim smoothly up
and you back up

for this is nature
this is real
this is true
this is age old
this is stick throwing splash
this is snail shell shore
this is giant driftwood log

until we get back into
car seat Mazda 3
you crying to see the geese again

Monday, April 2, 2018

bald eagle

there     see it
lighting on crusted snow
near ditch

not a crow
not a hawk
white head
hooked bill

we zip by
in spring splattered cars
and watch for three seconds

this powerful wild
that soars on updrafts
unchanging through world upheaval

here in this prairie spring