Wednesday, June 29, 2016

true story

today I opened
my copy of
that I bought used somewhere
an old Penguin paperback with black cover
originally sold for $1.95

paged through it
and it opened to a page
where a pressed

four-leaf clover

rested                   pale green
near the spine

don’t know how long it had been there
but I lifted it out
and felt a strange lifting of my mood
rising notes of a flute
like I had cheated death
or something
maybe I did

Saturday, June 11, 2016

James Taylor

still long      lankey
angular face now lined and fissured
flat cap hat
plaid shirt            rolled-up sleeves
ready to work
guitar a steady friend
and the fingers play

then the honey voice
sweetens it all
liquid love flowing out
to the five thousand
lifted aloft with waves of lilt

smile then
for this is antidote

maple tree haiku #5

seed pods in full flight
twirling whirling down to green
beige carpet of hope

maple tree haiku #4

half-size leaves in wind
twigs lined with wing-like seed pods
soon helicopters

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Relay For Life 2016

dark clouds hover horizon
and we begin this walk
that began long ago

waking from dream
to hear white coat say
there is something there
a dark cloudy mass

and so began
a walk of fear and doubt
and readying for the coming rain

and the clouds gathered
and came near
and the drizzle started

but we kept walking
path marked by
glowing hands and faces
of love

and then the clouds
settled in the west
with setting sun glowing rays
shooting through darkness

and we walk on