Sunday, May 29, 2016

made by

they made schoolbags for MCC
hundreds of them

she cutting and sewing expertly
in her 8th decade of
never idle hands
hands that rolled a million buns
seeded planted hoed gardens
and flowers
year after year
cooking meals and jam
canning a future life on shelves

they made schoolbags for MCC
maybe thousands

he did the finishing touch
threading the string through the top
using a tool fashioned from wire
to wind the string through the loop
and then tie together
this after life of heavy work
with lumber
and on the farm
constant cycle of the seasons

they made schoolbags for MCC
they didn’t count

and in another place
a boy walks the sunny dirt road
carrying a few books and a pencil
in a bright cloth bag
made by Sarah and Abe

Sunday, May 22, 2016

maple tree haiku #3

greenness shouts greeting
sweet leaves half-formed shade robins
beaks active in search

maple tree haiku #2

spring sky blues background
bud laden branches bask breeze
sparrow sings welcome

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Glen Eden: one year later

vase of flowers graces grave
mom     dad side by side
in this vast manicured glen
lawn and paved, curved roads

it’s April and a north wind
needles our bodies standing
looking down at the question
framed by grass and stone

but here they are and are not
together in this not life
not death
granite and flowers mark place

in this unlikely Eden
and we, hunched together against
numbing cold say lives well-lived

as if in answer