Sunday, September 20, 2015

wedding poem XII - Josiah and Christa

strand of pink yarn
(the old story)
tied in bow
around white napkin
tightly wrapped around

pink sash encircles waist
of young woman
walking toward stage
of historied auditorium

pink bowtie graces neck
of young man
walking towards her
bearded chin forward

and then we sing
a cappella
filling aged space
with vital voices
needing no help to lift the harmony
up and up

until it rests in heaven
which beams down grace enough
to bless this earnest union
now bound together
by the bright yarn of love

Monday, September 7, 2015

September sun

heat wafts late summer
limpid leaves on hanging branch
endless warmth of us

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

wedding poem XI: Lisa and Kent

come my beloved
let us go

they tell each other with shining eyes
and us friends who witness

ancient words
spoken and sung
in ancient rite of
joining together
and looking forward
facing future
grasping bouquets of dried lavender
or wheat
harvest of love
heady aroma of joy

and when unity candle is lit
a butane lighter does the trick
because we all need help
on this journey
to the vineyards
where we give our selves