Saturday, May 30, 2015

summer introit

new green breeze flutters
sun dappled lawn robins land
sing anthem to warmth

Saturday, May 23, 2015

writing it down - Mom

and then it is over
a life of 92 years and two months
a journey breathed through
sun and storm
water and fire

in this room of breaths
eyes open           faintly focused
we gather vigilant intent
on letting ending happen
we the living
letting a part of ourselves
slip away in         these        slowing             breaths

another syringe of freedom into tube
and we touch her hand               shoulder              face
assurance of presence

until it seems it is here
a presence descending
and through tears we begin the songs
half words           half hums
melodies float on the breath of tears
and her face
from tension and labour
to restful submission

we sing until the breathing seems to stop
only a few           last         gasps of struggle
and then we pray her spirit into peace

water and fire
sun and storm
a journey breathed through
a life of 92 years and two months
and then -

Monday, May 18, 2015

adoramus te (Wedding Poem X) Philip and Felicitas

thick ancient walls
recessed windows
faded frescos
echo voices
clear      angelic
overlapping and dancing
in rarified holy air
of radiant lovers’ vows
made facing imposing wooden cross
simple vase of roses
and two thick candles
burning with the e/motion of the moment

congregation sings praise to the Lord
smiles and tears overlap and dance
in morning air
with wire hearts of children
hanging in delight

and these thick walls remember these notes
of covenant and joy
as they tumble
and live
in love and praise

Sunday, May 3, 2015

one week after: what I will do today

walk soft lawn
of greening
blades pushing up into
gusty air warmed
by sun in May

gaze new leaves
unfurling bare branches
a billion births

unscrew valve and
let black oil of old year
steady stream out of mower
and add
a new golden year

listen to birds
sing a mozartian welcome
to this   this
so new and familiar

don’t block out
memories of mother
planting in May
garden of love