Tuesday, December 30, 2014


a benediction of winter flakes
meanders slowly toward earth
and I think of Handel’s chorus

“for unto us”

and singing it with Tourins
and the sweet strings of the symphony
and the soprano melisma
moving in perfect and
gentle rhythm to the effortless
five note cadence
alighting on the e
like snow on a

and all is suspended
for an eternal moment
of divine incarnation

see a mother hold her child
in that wild first moment of recognition
of the ocean depth of love
that echoes to the farthest reaches

of the universe 

Friday, December 26, 2014

longest night

begins around 3:30 pm
this fading
that turns to dark
determined relentless

and on come the millions of little lights
to lighten the leaden dim

and we breathe through it again
this darkest of dark nights
dampened by the fog and mist
that stealthed in from west
like a cat’s paw alighting
tentative and timid

driving the highway home
to wait again for morning light

and promised longer days 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

a cat at Christmas

a cat at Christmas knows its place
first outside
then inside
then outside
then curled up by the tree
in the glow of candles and coloured lights
presents opened and unopened

he doesn’t need a gift
carols from the speaker don’t bother him
as he sleeps
his dreams not of sleighs or St. Nick
but when bells ring he wakes and stretches
and moves to his perch on the couch
observing the drama unravel
like yarn that gets caught in our hands and feet
winding around our hearts
in the annual pageant of love
green eyes closing for another

curled-up nap

Saturday, December 20, 2014

hoar frost

we drive
we drive highwayroadstreet

to work
to school
to meeting
to shop
to movie
to concert
to church

a means from    to

it is the drive though
that makes the trip
when the wonder of the ice crystal
sings a carol on every twig
on every branch
on every tree

new world
white winter miracle
and these bones crack a smile
and want to dance

driven to delight 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

begin advent

snow globe newness now
frosty car with windows scraped
slowly powders through